• 中国中文核心期刊
  • 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)核心库来源期刊
  • 中国科技论文统计源期刊(CJCR)
  • 第二届国家期刊奖提名奖

2007 Vol. 20, No. 4

Display Method:
Study on Provenance Variation and Selection of Taxod ium distichum
HUANG Li-bin, LI Xiao-chu, ZHANG Ding-yao, LU Xing-an, WANG Qi-ming
2007, 20(4): 447-451.
N ineteen Taxod ium distichum provenances ( inc lud ing 4 T. d istichum var. imbricatum provenances) w ereintroduced from 6 sta tes in U. S. A. and planted atDongha,i Jiangsu taking earlier introduced provenances o fT. distichum, CK1 and T. distichum var. imbricatum, CK2 as con tro ls to carry out the provenance tra ils. The g row th inseedling and juvenile stagew eremeasured. The results of g row thmeasurem ent o f 13-year-old trail stand show ed thatthere w ere significant variation among provenances in tree he igh,t dbh and vo lum e incremen,t the genetic variationcoeffic ients w ere 12. 91%, 23. 51% and 48. 51% and the broad-sense heritability w ere 0. 51, 0. 65 and 0. 60, respective ly. The grow th variation presented the stochastic variation among different provenance. Bo th better and poorer provenances in g row th tra its ex isted and no obv ious geographical trend o f provenance grow th varia tion w as observed. There w as no correlation be tw een the first year? s grow th and the 13th year? s grow th, but from the 3 rd yearon, there w as a significant corre lation w ith the 13 th year? s grow th. The proper early selection period are as fo llow s:3rd-5th year for prim ary cho ice, 8 th year for final cho ice. A ccord ing to the criterion of selecting the provenancew ith ind ividua l vo lume 50% higher than the CK1, Lou isianaQ. R., M ississipiR. F., A rkansas O. M. and Florida N. L. w ere se lected as super provenances, the ir average phenotype ga ins of tree heigh,t dbh and volume w ere 13. 86%, 21. 78% and 61. 11%, genet ic gains w ere 7. 07%, 14. 16% and 36. 67%, respectively. Compared w ithCK2, the average phenotype gains and genetic ga in w ere 14. 29%, 59. 89%, 148. 64% and 7. 29%, 38. 93% and89. 18%, respectively. The vo lume output of the super provenances w as extreme ly significan.t
Ana lysis on Cla ssif ied Stem Growing Character isticsof L a rix gm e lin ii Na tura l Forest
YU Bao, WANG Li-ming
2007, 20(4): 452-457.
This paper expounded the growing characteristics of L a rix gm elin ii classified stem ( dom inant stem,average stem, overtopped stem) and analyzed the relation between the growing characteristics of classified stemand its stand factors and locality factors by setting p lots and making trunk analysis. The results of this study indicated that L. gm elin iiwould transform each other at the different age and its transformation rate was 38. 9%, where the average stem was 50%, and the dom inating stem and overtopped stem were all 33. 3%. The transformation rates of classified stem from dom inant stem to average stem and from average stem to overtopped stemwere highest, the opposition was low. However, the transformation rate from dom inant stem to overtopped stemand from overtopped stem to dom inant stem were the lowest. The interconversion of classified stem would increase as the stand density and the rate of L. gm elin ii was going up. The altitude that classified stem mainlyconcentrated was less than 1 000 m, slope was less than 25°, aspect was south slope, position was at m iddleand lower, soil dep th less than 17 cm. The rate of no interconversion was 66. 7% among overtopped stem. Itshould cut the overtopped stem as intermediate cutting.
Genetic Parameter Estima tion and Ana lysis on Improvement Effect of High-Yielding Gutta-percha Clones Assoc ia te with Eucomm ia u lm oides O liv.
LI Fang-dong, WUYUN Tana, DU Hong-yan
2007, 20(4): 458-463.
Based on 5 years’data of traits from35 Eucomm ia clones, genetic parameter estimation and imp rovementeffect analysis were conducted respectively on traits of leaf, bark, samara and yield. The results indicated that repeatability as high as 0. 54~0. 97 was obtained from traits of leaf, bark, samara and yield. The genetic parametersof leaf trait and bark trait were low while genetic parameterswere higher from trait of samara and yield. Four highyielding gutta-percha cloneswere selected bymeans of gutta-percha containing rate in leaf, bark and samara aswellas total yield. Analysis on genetic imp rovement effect suggested that genetic gainswere 21. 10%, 54. 9%, 12. 17%and 52. 22% in terms of gutta-percha containing rate in leaf, bark, samara and total yield, respectively, which indicated that the effect of genetic imp rovement was going well and yield of gutta-percha was enhanced.
Effects of Terra in on the Large Footpr in t L idarWaveform of Forests
PANG Yong, LI Zeng-yuan, Sun Guoqing, Michael Lefsky, CHE Xue-jian, CHEN Er-xue
2007, 20(4): 464-468.
The large footp rint lidar has demonstrated its great potential for accurate estimation ofmany forest parameters. As the lidarwaveform is a record of return signal as a function of time from sensor to target, the terrain withinlidar footp rintwill affect the waveform through changing the distance of target to sensor and make effective footp rintarea larger. This paper simulated the effects of terrain on large footp rint lidarwaveform using a three dimensional lidar waveform model from forest. The analysis of ICEsat GLAS laser2b data ofNortheast China showed the same phenomena with simulated results. The results showed that both of the ground return signals and vegetation return signals were widened and the peak decreased with slope increasing. The return singles began earlierwith slope increasing. Meanwhile, the slope angle from the signal beginning to first peak of the waveform decreased. These two phenomena caused the error in detecting signal beginning and the following forest height estimation. The recorded lidarwaveform would contain false vegetation peak at certain slope level. The relationship between waveform length andterrain slope was near linear. So the effects of terrain on lidarwavefrom could be corrected by subtracting a factor ofslope or terrain index.
Construction of Full-length cDNA Library of MaleFloral Buds of Popu lus de ltoides
ZHOU Xiang-ming, ZHANG Bing-yu, SU Xiao-hua, WANG Da-hai, HUANG Qin-jun, ZHANG Xiang-hua, ZHANG Zhi-yi
2007, 20(4): 469-472.
The full-length cDNA library of male floral buds of Populus deltoides Marsh. was constructed throughSMATR ( the Switch Mechanism At the 5’end of RNA Temp lates) technique. The titer is larger than 106 pfu·mL-1, the percentage of recombination reaches 95%, and the average size of insert fragments is about 1kb. Theseresults indicate that the library is qualified for cloning and exp ressing target genes. The library has laid a foundationfor studies on the molecularmechanism of flower development in forest trees.
Inh ibiting Effect of Assoc ia tive Nitrogen-f ixa tionBacter ia on Bacter ia W ilt D isea se of Euca lyptus
MA Hai-bin, KANG Li-hua, JIANG Ye-gen, ZHENG Cui-mei
2007, 20(4): 473-476.
The inhibiting effect of associative nitrogen-fixation bacteria on bacteria wilt disease of Euca lyptus was examined. The growth of Ra lstonia solanacearum was inhibited by both associative nitrogen-fixation bacteria (No. 1 andNo. 2) and culture filtrate of associative nitrogen-fixation bacteria (No. 1 and No. 2). Eucalyptus nursery experimentswere established in the greenhouse to determine the controlling effect of associative nitrogen-fixation bacteriaon bacteria wilt disease. The results showed that Eucalyptus seedlings inoculated with associative nitrogen-fixationbacteria and dual inoculated with associative nitrogen-fixation bacteria and Ralston ia solanacearum were higher thanthose without any inoculation. And the biomass above ground and underground of Eucalyptus seedlings inoculatedwith associative nitrogen-fixation bacteria were increased by 123. 23% and 101. 52% respectivelywhile the biomassabove ground and underground of Eucalyptus seedlings dual inoculated with associative nitrogen-fixation bacteria andRalstonia solanacearum were increased by 93. 22% and 71. 81% respectively.
The Applica tion of the D istr ibuted Eco-hydrolog ica lModel TOPOGin a Mounta inous Sma llWa tershed of Tempera te Zone:A Ca se Study in the Sma llWa tershed of Pa ilugou in Qilian Mounta ins
DONG Xiao-hong, YU Peng-tao, WANG Yan-hui, WANG Jin-ye, WANG Shun-li, LIU Xian-de, XU Li-hong, WU Xu-dong
2007, 20(4): 477-484.
TOPOG model is an eco-hydrologicalmodel designed during forest hydrological studies with small watersheds in trop ical region. In order to test the app licability of TOPOG for simulating the hydrological effects of forestsin smallwatersheds of temperate zone, the meausered eco-and hydrological data in the growing seasons of 2001 and2002 in the small watershed of Pailugou in Qilian Mountains were selected to simulate the hydrological p rocessessuch as canopy intercep tion, evapotransp iration of different vegetation types and watershed runoff by using the“yield”mode of TOPOG. It showed that the canopy intercep tion simulated matches the measured well when therainfall amount of single rainfall events varies within 5~25 mm, and the total evapotransp iration as well as theircomposition from the forest stands of Picea crassifolia which grow within the elevation range of 2 730~3 100 m couldbe more accurately simulated; for the grasslands growing within the elevation range of 2 700~2 800 m on sunnyslopes, their evapotranp iration could also be well simulated by TOPOG; the calculated runoff volume during growing seasons from the small watershed was close to the measured values.
Effects of DA-6 and DCPTA Pre??harvest Treatment on the Quality Promotionof ‘Dongzao’? Jujube (Z izyphus jujuba M il.l cv. ‘Dongzao’ ) Fruits
TAN Xiao-hong, WANG Gui-xi, CHEN Jin-yin, LIANG Li-song
2007, 20(4): 485-489.
This paper dealsw ith the e ffects o f pre??harvest treatments o fDA-6 and DCPTA on the quality promotion of#Dong zao? Ju jube fruits during the g row th at dw arf and close plant ing o rchard ofDaan v illage, Dagang D istric,t Tan??jin in 2005. The crown w ere sprayed w ith 15 mg·kg-1DA??6, 0. 67 mL·L-1DCPTA and wa tered fo r 3 times atblossom, 20 and 40 days after blossom respective ly, and fru it samp le w as picked regu larly during the grow th forqua lity analysis. The resu lts ind icated tha,t DA-6 and DCPTA pre??harvest treatmen ts increased the sing le??fru itw e ight, but there w as no e ffects on the fru it shape index; Treatments increased the fruit firmness and v itam in C con??ten,t but had little affection on SSC and TA conten ts; DA-6 and DCPTA pre??harvest treatm ents increased the GSHcontent at initial period( DA-6 pre??harvest treatments increased by 23. 77% and DCPTA pre??harvest treatments in??creased by 15. 09% ), but there w ere no difference betw een CK and treatm ents at the later stage of fruit grow th.From th is experimen t itw as confirmed thatDA-6 and DCPTA pre??harvest treatments cou ld increase the qua lity of ju??jube fru i,t and DA??6 show ed better e ffects than DCPTA.
Effects of P lanting Density on Increment of SapwoodandWetwood in Populus × xiaohei
LIU Xing-e-, WANG Xiao-qing, REN Hai-qing, FEI Ben-hua
2007, 20(4): 490-494.
The effects o f d ifferent plan ting densit ies ( 2 m×5m、4 m×5m、4m×10 m) on increment of sapw oodand w etwood o fPopulus× xiaohei w ere stud ied from Shuozhou Country, Shanx i Prov ince. The resu lts indicated thattherew ere insignificant differences in the number of sapwood grow th rings at various p lanting densities, w hile significant d ifferences ex isted in the number of w etw ood grow th ring s. The plan ting density show ed little impact on sap wood width, wh ile it had high ly sign if icant effects on w etw ood w idth. For bo th sapwood and w etwood basa l area,therew ere high ly sign ificant d ifferences at various p lanting densities. A tendency o f increasing sapwood and we tw oodw idth as w ell as basa l area w ith decreasing plant ing densities was found, and itw as a lso no ticed that thew id th andbasal area o fw etw ood increasedmore in tensively than that of sapwood. The w etw ood proportion ranged from 60% to68%, show ing a negative re lationship w ith the p lanting density. In genera,l the plan ting density show ed various degrees o f impact on g row th of both sapw ood and we tw ood ofP opulus×x iaohei, and it showedmore obv ious effects onw etw ood grow th, compara tively.
The Physiolog ica lMetabolism Reaction of H a loxylonPara tized by C istanche dese rticola
TAN De-yuan, GUO Quan-shui, L IU Yu-jun, MA Chao, WANG Xiang-fu
2007, 20(4): 495-499.
By selecting an experiment p lot from the fine forest experiment station in J imusaer County of XinjiangUygurAutonomous Region, where the site conditions, way of inoculation Cistanche deserticola age of host sap ling,p lanting sap ling density were well selected all analogous in the fine tree seeds base of Cistanche deserticola, the authors studied the relative water content(RWC), bound water / free water, chlorophyll, p raline andMDA contents ofHaloxylon’s photosynthetic shootswhich include parasitized by Cistanche deserticola, unparasitized by Cistanche deserticola and parasitized by Cistanche deserticola in the past but unparasitized now. The results showed that the RWCof Haloxy lon’s photosynthetic shoots parasitized by Cistanche deserticola decreased and the contents of bound water/free water increased, comparingwith the others. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll contents of Haloxy lon’s photosyntheticshoots parasitized by Cistanche deserticola decreased, the p raline andMDA contents increased. The discrimination ofthese indicts was significant between them. The Haloxy lon physiological metabolism reactions arosed by Cistanche deserticola parasitized was a type of physiologicalmetabolism adap tation and also was a main reason of Haloxy lon declining growth arosed by inoculation Cistanche deserticola.
Grow th Characteristics and Cold Resistance of P inus ponderosa
ZHOU Yong-xue, FAN Jun-feng, GONG Yue-hua
2007, 20(4): 500-505.
This paper a ims at studying the grow th characteristics ofP inus ponderosa on the basis of the field investiga tion data, andmeasuring through experim ent the related index of its cold resistance w hose mechan ism w as analyzed and eva luated. The research w ere as follosw: P. pond erosa had a strong root system; its vertical roots had astrong grow ing ab ility; the seed lings had a h igher surv ival rate; and the diameter grow th o f 1-year-o ld P. ponderosaseedlings was obv iously faster than that ofP. tabulaeformis. Wh ile the grow ing processes of the seedlings of the tw ospeciesw ere sim ilar to each o ther, seven years after its plant ingP. ponderosa began to enter its fast g row ing period,w ith an average annual he ight grow th of 45 cm, and kept increasing. The annua l and to tal d iam eter grow th of P.p onderosa w as obviously faster than that ofP. tabu laeform is, but the heigh t o f the form er w as low er than that of thelatter. The vo lume o f 18-year-o ld P inus ponderosa w as 0. 017 7m3, 10% larger than that ofP. tabulaeform is. Thediameter grow th o f young p lants o fP. p onderosa obv iously varied in different areas, rang ing from 0. 30 to 0. 94 cmyearly. Theme teoro log ica l factors had certa in effects on its grow th, and the inerement increased apparentlyw ith theincreasing of active accumulated tempera ture and sunsh ine-hours. The he ightw as obv iously re lated to the d iameter of the trees, the length o f new ly-grown branches, and its crow n, and the correspond ing coefficient betw een the heightand its diameter increased w ith the grow ing of its age. Themeasurement of co ld resistance show ed that the exudationrate of electro lyte o fP. ponderosa w as higher than that o fP. tabulaeform is at every low-tempera ture phase. The LT50w as - 10. 7℃, w hile that o fP. tabulaeform isw as - 17. 9 ℃. The re lative low content of bound w ater, soluble sugar, K+, Caroteno id and ABA in the leaf tissue ofP. p onderosa w as the interna l cause of its w eak co ld resistance.
Study on Stroma Filtra tion and Cultiva tion Techn iquesScreen ing of D endrobium devon ianum
SUN Yong-yu, ZAN Shao-jun, XU Yong-yan, LUO Chang-wei, LI Kun
2007, 20(4): 506-509.
Dendrobium devon ianum Paxt. is one kind of important Chinese traditionalmedicine at low latitude areassuch as Yunnan p rovince. There are some difficulty in its artifial cultivation, including regeneration failure, low survival rate, slowly growth, low p roduction. Though the cultivation experiments on this p lant spocies, the resultsshowed that: 1) Effects of different p lanting stromata on D. devonianum germination were different, the most of germination was in the mixture of tree barks and moss (1∶1) ; the best of branch growth stromata was tree bark; theyield in the mixtrue of tree barks, sawdusts, and sheep dung(5∶3∶2) was the highest; (2) Effect of different cultivation ways on D. devonianum was also different, the best was the way with fixing the p lant straightly. In conclusion, the best technique to p lant D. devonianum was to use tree barks stromata and p lant it straightly.
Research of Structural Aspect and Space??time Trends of the Apricot TreeStand Yard Insect Community on Different Management
ADILI Shataer, YE Er-jiang, ZHANG Xin-ping, LUO Qing
2007, 20(4): 510-514.
For the sake of finding out the law s of insect pest damage to apricot trees and providing the basis for contro lling the pes,t samp le plotmethod w as applied to investigate the apricot tree stand. The diversity and insect commun ity in d ifferent intercropping andmanag ing apricot tree stand yard ecosystems in Y ingjishaw ere studied. The resu lts show ed that therew ere 37 species of insects belong ing to 9 orders and 26 fam ilies in d ifferent aprico t tree standyard ecosystems in Y ing jisha. The number o f orders and species and individualw ere not the same in different apricottree stand yard ecosystem s. In different ecosystem s, the proportion of principa l insect community groups w as differen,t so that the diversity and evenness and dom inant concentration index w ere no t the same. Annual dom inant species in each aprico t tree stand yard w as mainlyD idesmococcus koreanus. The dom inant concentrat ion index o f insectcommunity and its principa l groups w as not the sam e in d ifferent tim e and apricot tree stand yards.
Community Character istics of Shrub Vegetation by Forest Closing inDagou Catchment, Upper Reaches of Minjiang River
ZHANG Wei-yin, TAO Jian-ping
2007, 20(4): 515-519.
In order to understand the effect of closed forest, the species composition, flora characteristics, height classstructure, diameter class structure and species diversitywere analyzed in a 1 hm2 p lot in natural recovery shrub stage offorest vegetation in Dagou catchement, upper reaches ofMinjiang River. There was a floristic composition with 43 families, 88 genera, and 135 species in the p lot, in which, there were 49 species of 44 genera of 21 families of herbs and86 species of 47 genera of 34 families of woody p lants ( trees and shrubs combined). The areal-types of families andgenera were abundant, but the areal-types of families dominated by North Temperate and Cosmpolitan component,which accounted for 34. 9%, respectively. The areal-types of genera were dominated by temperate genera, accountingfor 72. 8%, in which north temperate genera was 39. 8%. Both the species number and individual density decreasedwith the increasing of height class and basal diameter. There was a significant positive correlation between species abundance and individual density for different height class and different basal diameter in the community. Although thephysiognomy of the communitywas shrubby, the componentwas rich. The tree species in climax community of the region ( such asQuercus liaotungensis) was p resent and somewhat dominant in the community. Closed forestwas an effective method to restore the degraded community caused by human disturbance in the valley.
Selection and Breeding for Narrow-crown Clone of BlackLocust ( Robin ia pseudoacac ia )
LAN Zai-ping, MA Ke, ZHANG Huai-long, SU Yan-xiu, LIU Yi
2007, 20(4): 520-523.
The paper studied the selection and breeding p rocess for narrow-crown clone of Robinia pseudoacacia cl.‘Zhaiguan’, and its biological & ecological characteristics, techniques for clonalmultip lication and development ofp lanting stocks, as well as the growth performance of clonal stands in different sites. The narrow-crown clone ofblack locustwas selected from black locust population in Huaiyang County of Hepnan Province. The results of clonaltests in various sites showed that the narrow-crown clone had the characteristic of (1) fast growingwith annualmeanheight increment of 1. 5~1. 8 m and annual mean diameter increment of 2. 1~2. 5 cm at the age of 4 to 8 underdifferent cultivation conditions; (2) good stem form with the factor quotient of 0. 7~0. 8; (3) narrow and orbicularcrown with the branching angle less than 35; (4) small or no stipule thorn. The narrow-crown clone of black locustis the excellent p lanting material for the establishment of high-yielding timber p lantations, ecological p rotection forests, agroforestry systems or scenery forests.
Effects of Chitosan on Seed Germ ina tion of L a rixolgensis and P la tyc ladus orien ta lis
LI Qing-mei, FU Zeng-juan, ZHANG Hong-yan
2007, 20(4): 524-527.
La rix olgensis and Platycladus orien talis seedswere soaked with different concentration of chitosan solutionin 0. 5, 1. 0, 1. 5 and 2. 0 g·L-1 with 24 hours and 18 hours in order to find the op timal germinating condition. Theresults showed that the germination percentage, germination energy, mean germination time and germination indexof Larix olgensis were significantly imp roved, and its op timal germinating condition was in 1. 0 g·L-1 of chitosansolution with 24 hours. The op timal germination percentage and mean germination time of Platycludus orientalis seedswere obtained under chitosan solution in 2. 0 g·L-1 with 24 hours.
The Studies of Spom dylis buprestoides Adult Popula tion and Dynamic Monitoring
ZHAO Jin-nian, TANG Shu-qin
2007, 20(4): 528-531.
Studieswere made on S pondylis buprestoides adult population distribution and dynamic regularitywith liquid wood2boring insect attractant in Huangshan Scenic Area and other area. The results showed that the area with thealtitude 1 700 m was the highest distribution zone of S. buprestoides population,while high population density distribution area wasMasson p ine stand with the altitude cower them300 m. There were two peakes in adult action duration ( about 150 days). The main peak appeared in the first and middle ten days of June, while the second peak appeared in Sep tember. The population quantity p roportion of S pondylis buprestoides female and male adultswas 1. 0∶1. 4 .
Effect of Storage on Qua lity of Oil in Camellia oleifera Cake
FANG Xue-zhi, FEI Xue-qian, DING Ming, YAO Xiao-hua, WANG Kai-liang, OU Zi-dong
2007, 20(4): 532-536.
Oil and water contents in cakes of Cam ellia oleifera from twenty locations of China were analyzed. Four ofthese cakes were chosen to investigate the impact of storage on quality of oil. Results are as following: Average oiland water contents of twenty cakeswere 7. 62% and 12. 13% respectively. Under both room and refrigeration conditions, there stood a trend of decline in oil content, but the decline of oil content in room condition wasmore rap idthan in refrigeration condition. Conversely, the peroxide value and acidity increased during the period of storage. Among four chosen cakes, the cake from Zhejiang Chun’an not only in the decrease of oil but also in the increase ofperoxide value and aciditywas slower than others. In contrast, the cake from Chenxiwas faster than others in the decline of oil content and the increase of acidity. The regression relationship between peroxide value and time, both inroom condition and refrigeration condition, followed a curve equation y = a + b exp ( x / t) ; similarly, the relationshipbetween acidity in room condition and time also followed the equation y = a + b exp ( x / t), and the equation of acidity in refrigeration condition contrast time is y = a + bx + cx2.
Micropropagation of Cym bidium hybridum by Inducementof PLB from Cuted Ba se of in vitro Plantlets
WU Kai-yun, HUANG Min-ren, WANG Ming-xiu
2007, 20(4): 537-541.
PLB ( p rotocorm-like body ) is successfully induced from the cuted tissue of p lantlet2base of Cym bid iumhybridum in vitro, in a simulative manner like microtuber. The effects of different concentrations of 2, 4-D, 6-BA,and NAA on the PLB formation of C. hybridum were investigated in different level of concentration. The resultsshowed that the effects of 2, 4-D and 6-BA on the frequency of PLB formation of C. hybridum differed extremely significantly. 2, 4-D on lower levelwas a important stimulative to induce PLB, but the inducing of PLB would be restrained when the concentration of 2, 4-D was above 0. 60 mg·L-1. The frequency of PLB formation increased basically with the increase of concentrations of 6-BA. The frequency of PLB formation was also related to the genotype,NAA was a important stimulative factor for some special genotype of C. hybridum. The experiment strategy to inducing PLB in simulative manner of bulb is feasible.
Preliminary Study on Quercus virgin iana Introduction in Eastern China
CHEN Yi-tai, CHEN Yu-chun, HUANG Yi-qing, SUN Hai-jing, CHEN Dan-feng
2007, 20(4): 542-546.
The evergreen oak species from USA, live oak (Quercus virginiana), was introduced and p lanted in manysites of Zhejiang, J iangsu Province, and Shanghai City for 3~4 years. The growth of young trees in most sites wasgood, and that at the sandy saline soil of Hangzhou Bay coast (with 0. 3%~0. 5% salinity) seemed better. Nurseryseedlings of live oak had not developed lateral roots so they were not easy to be transp lanted. Using small containerseedlings and 3-year-old young sap lings with the ball clod for p lantation greatly raised the survival percent (morethan 95% ) with well growth.
Influence of the Photoper iod and Tempera ture on Larva l Developmenta lPer iods of the Grea t Mormon Butterfly Papilio m em non L innaeus
YI Chuan-hui, CHEN Xiao-ming, SHI Jun-yi, ZHOU Cheng-li
2007, 20(4): 547-550.
The growth and development of larval of Papilio m em non were investigated under different photoperiodsand temperatures which could be controlled in the climate2box. The effects of photoperiod and temperature on larvaldevelopmental periods of Papilio m em non were very remarkable. At same temperature, larval developmental periodshad significant difference. At 20 ℃ and during daylength of 12~14 h, the larval developmental periodswere in thescope of 39. 3~48. 5 days, and the margin between of the longest and shortest periodswas 9. 2 days. At 25 ℃ andduring daylength of 11~15 h, larval developmental periodswere in the scope of 25. 4~36 days, and the margin between of the longest and shortest periodswas 10. 6 days. At 30 ℃ and during daylength of 11~15 h, larval developmental periodswere in the scope of 19. 6~29. 0 days, and the margin between of the longest and shortest periodswas 9. 6 days. At the same daylength, larval developmental periods became shorter when the temperature was rising. Under daylengthes of 12. 0, 12. 5, 13. 0, 13. 5 and 14. 0 h, the developmental threshold temperature of larvawere 13. 6, 13. 3, 9. 2, 12. 2, and 7. 5 ℃, the temperature effective thermal sum were 332. 7, 340. 5, 372. 1, 350. 9and 475. 4 degree-days. At certain extent, the developmental threshold temperature and temperature effective thermal sum of larva were affected by photoperiod.
The Chromosome Analysis of 5 Diptera Insect Cell Lines
ZHANG Xin, FENG Ying, MA Tao, DING Wei-feng
2007, 20(4): 551-555.
The Chromosome analysis of 5 Dip tera insect cell lineswasmade by direct method, with regular Giemsastaining. Chromosomes of these cells in metaphase were counted under the microscope. The chromosome numbersand their nuclear typeswere analyzed. C6 /36 belonged to dip loid cell lines and its chromosome mode was 6. SL2belonged to hyperdip loid cell lines and its chromosome mode range was 8~12. L-2 /M delta 2-3 belonged to hyperdip loid cell lines and its chromosome mode range was 8~20. Aedes albopictus Skuse belonged to dip loid cell linesand its chromosome mode was 6. N IH-SaPe-4 belonged dip loid or hypodip loid cell lines and its chromosome modewas 10. Chromosome numbers in the 5 cell lines were not comp letely changed.
The Early Growth Performance of Slash P ine×Caribbean P ineF1 Hybrids inMountain Area ofNorth Guangdong
ZHANG Ying-zhong, ZHAO Fen-cheng, LIN Jun, LAI Xu-en, HUANG Yong-quan, CAI Jian
2007, 20(4): 556-562.
A tria lw as estab lished in 1999 in Lechang, Guangdong, wh ich inc luded 17 hybrid fam ilies o fP inus elliottii var. elliottii( PEE ) by P. caribaea var. hondurensis ( PCH ), 4 hybrid fam ilies o f PEE by P. caribaea var.bahm ensis( PCB ), 9 PEE open-po llina ted fam ilies( PEE ( op) ) and 1 PCH open-po llinated fam ily ( PCH ( op) ), aswell as 8 seedlots from pine seed orchards in Guangdong prov ince. These seed o rchardsw ere primary PEE seed o rchard( PEE ( p) ) in T aishan, first-generat ion PEE orchard ( PEE ( o) ) in Ta ishan, improved PEE seed o rchards( PEE ( i) ) in Ta ishan, pr imary P. caribaea var. caribaea seed orchard( PCC ( p) ) in Zhanjiang, primary PCB seedorchard( PCB ( p) ) in Zhan jiang, prim ary PCH seed orchard( PCH ( p) ) in Zhanjiang, primary P. taeda seed o rchard( PTA( p) ) in Y ingde, primary P. massoniana seed orchard( PMA ( p) ) in Ruyuan, respectively. The trialw as investigated for surv iva l rate, at the end of the plan ting year. And the he ight and diameter at breast height ( dbh) of indiv idual trees w ere measured at age 6. Then, preserv ing rate and ind iv idua l volumew ere ca lculated respective ly. The average surv ival rate o f 21 hybrid fam iliesw as 96. 2%, and preserv ing ratew as 87. 2%. Therew eremost sign ificant differences betw een all tested taxa for the ir increm en.t The order o f vo lume betw een taxa w as PEE PCH > PEE PCB > PCH ( p) > PMA ( p) > PCH ( op) > PEE ( op) > PEE ( i) > PEE ( p) > PCB ( p) > PCC ( p) >PEE ( o) > PTA ( p) . T en hybrid fam ilies w ere se lected in the tria l fo r the ir better g row th performance. The ir averagehe igh,t dbh and vo lume w ere 6. 35 m, 10. 85 cm and 0. 035 48 m3, respect ively. Their real average gains w ere59. 39%, 48. 76%, 134. 97%, 162. 23% and 172. 29% for volume, respective ly, compared to PMA ( p), PCH( p), PCB( p), PEE ( o) and PTA ( p).
Progress and Perspectives on Vegeta tion Restora tion in the Dry-hot Valley
YAND Zhen-yin, SU Jian-rong, LUO Dong, LI Zheng-hong, CHEN Xiao-ming
2007, 20(4): 563-568.
The ecological environment in dry-hot valley is quite vulnerable. The vegetation restoration in this area isa difficult p roblem having not been solved. The p revious studies on dry-hot valley are reviewed from the aspects ofthe special natural conditions such as climate and vegetation, the history of vegetation restoration, the op timal vegetation types for rebuilding, the species choose, the techniques and the ecological evaluation of vegetation restoration. The common p roblems in the research of vegetation restoration in this area are also assessed. Priority is pointedout for further researches on vegetation restoration in dry-hot valley.
Advances in Research on Bacterial Wilt Caused by Ra lston iasolanacea rum in Euca lyptus spp. in China
WU Zhi-hua, XIE Yao-jian, LUO Lian-feng, ZHANG Wei-yao
2007, 20(4): 569-575.
Bacterialwilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a p rimary disease to Eucalyptus. The occurrence in Eucalyptus has brought great damages in south p rovinces of China. This paper reviewed the advancement involved inRalstonia solanacearum colony characters, the symp tom and characteristics of the wilt, the mechanism of pathogenesisinduced by the bacteria and resistance exp ressed by the host trees, and the variations in resistance among tree species, clones and virulence among pathogen isolates, and the host-pathogen interactions. The currentwilt controlmeasures and some important aspects of research p roposed for the future were suggested.
Effectiveness of AM Fungi and Fertilization onSeedling Growth of Carnegiea g igantean
CHEN Yu, ZHONG Chong-lu, ZHOU Guang-yi, ZHANG Yong, CHEN Zhen
2007, 20(4): 576-580.
In the greenhouse exper imen,t the grow th effect on C arnegiea gigantea seedlings wh ich w as app lied w ithAM fung i and fertilizers w as studied by Split p lo t design experimen.t The resu lts show ed that the percentage ofmycorrh izal infect ion of 3 AMF iso lates in Carneg iea gigantea w ere high, but theMycorrhizal dependency (MD ) ofCarneg iea g igantean belonged tom edium orw eak. G lomus caledonium 90036 treatm ent show ed the best mycorrhizaleffectiveness. When be ing fert ilized w ith N, P o rK w ithout inoculating w ith AMF, N app lication could markedlyimprove the he igh t grow th ofCarneg iea g igantean seed lings, butK and P didn t' indicated the same effects. How ever,the seedlings inocu lated w ith AMF couldn t' present grow th improvementwhen fertilized w ith N, and the interactionsbetw een K or P applicat ion and AMF inocu la tion w as negative. A ccord ing to the experimen,t the result thatCarneg iea g igantea inocu lated w ith AMF cou ld cut down N fertilizer app lication w as conv inced.
Growth andMorphology Differences between and within Aesculus Species
LI Yong-sheng, ZHOU Zhi-chun, JIN Guo-qing, JIANG Zhi-biao, RAO Long-bing, CHEN Zhong-liang, YU Xue-qi
2007, 20(4): 581-585.
Tw o genetic trails including eight seed sources o f three nativeAescu lus species and tw enty plus tree fam ilies o fA. chinensis var. chekiangensis from Tong lu o f Zhejiang w ere used to exp lore the genetic variation be tw eenand w ith in A esculus spec ies for seed, g row th and morpho logy tra its at seed ling and young stage. The resu lts demonstrated that there w ere significant d ifferences fo r g row th and morpho logy characteristics among eight provenances ofthreeAesculus species. Among threeAesculus species, seeds ofA. w ilsonii were the b igges,t seeds o fA. ch inensisthe m iddle and seeds ofA. chinensis var. chekiangensis the leas.t Seed sources o fA. w ilsonii w ith b igger seedsw eregenera lly from the southern and southw estern areas. Itw as found that the spec ies/provenances from the seed sourcesw ith b ig seeds possessed greater seedling grow th, ex tensive tap and la teral roo t system, and larger leaves. Seedlingtest resu lt o f species/provenance grow th w as no t used to pred icted the grow th performance at young stage, because ofmarked seedmaternal effec.t A. chinensis var. chekiangensis from Lin a'n o fZhe jiangw ith least seeds have best grow thperformance, and w hileA. w ilsonii from M abian of S ichuan w ith b iggest seeds exh ib itedm ediate grow th perform anceat age tw o. Moreover, there ex isted rich fam ily varia tion for g row th andmorpho logy of seed ling and young trees inA.chinensis var. chekiangensis. Seed ling g row th o f fam ilies w as sign ificantly and positive ly related to the ir young treegrow th. Early se lection o f grow th traits cou ld conduct at seedling stage.
Construction of T-DNA Activation Tagging for Populus Functional Genomics
WANG Shu-guang, LUAN Wei-jiang, QIAO Gui-rong, SUN Zong-xiu, ZHUO Ren-ying
2007, 20(4): 586-590.
W ith the comp letion of the Populus genome sequence in 2006, the study on functional genomics in Populus has become a major task. Establishment of Populusmutant population is an essential app roach for forestry functional genomics study. The activation tagging is a p romising and powerful method to constructmutant library of Populus and to further discover new gene and elucidate its function now. A novel T-DNA activation tagging pCAS05was constructed for forest functional genomics in this study. We could select conveniently and easily transgenicp lants by sp raying Basta because bar gene is constructed in this vector as a selection marker. Moreover, we couldalso construct a large scale mutant library in Populus by this activation tagging because of effectively selection of bargene.