• 中国中文核心期刊
  • 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)核心库来源期刊
  • 中国科技论文统计源期刊(CJCR)
  • 第二届国家期刊奖提名奖

2007 Vol. 20, No. 5

Display Method:
Dynamics and D iversity of Soil Fauna Commun ity inLitter Layer of Chinese Fir Forestin Dagangshan Mounta in
LIN Ying-hua, LIU Hai-liang, ZHANG Fu-dao, BAI Xiu-lan, WANG Bing
2007, 20(5): 69-614.
Soil fauna community and its dynamics during leaf litter decomposition were investigated by litterbagmethod ( from Jan. to Dem. , 2002) in Chinese fir pure and mixed forest (Chinese fir∶Chinese tulip tree = 2∶1) atDagangshan, J iangxi Province. 4 321 individualswere collected from 168 litterbags, which belonged to 3 Phyla, 11Classes, 30 Orders, the most dominant taxa ofmacrofauna was Hymenop tera,Ol. Op isthopora, Coleop tera and Dip-tera; of meso and microfauna were Collembola and Acariforms. Most were Omnivores, Phytophage and Predators inforest litter. The number of individuals of two type of forest was trended towards increasing during Jan. to Mar. ,while the number of soil fauna group was trended towards increasing during Jan. to May in Chinese fir forest andAp r. to Jul. in mixed forest, the difference of individual and community number between two types of forestwas notsignificant atα = 0. 05. Both the individual and group of soil fauna were in mixed forest > Chinese fir forest. Bothsoil fauna individual and group were in the order from high to low∶5 mm > 1 mm > 1 /300 mm in three mesh size oflitterbags. The diversity of soil fauna communitywas trended towards increasing, and dominance of Chinese fir forest was trended towards decreasingwith the lap se of time. Soil fauna communitywasmore heterogeneous at different forests. The colonized time ofOl. Op isthopora and Coleop tera were 8. 42 and 6. 45 months atmixed forest respectively,while Hymenop tera and Collembola were 9. 48 and 7. 91 months respectively at Chinese fir forest.
Character istics of Sap F lux Den sity andW a ter Use of P inus ca ribaeaP lan ta tion in Dry Sea son on the L eizhou Peninsula
ZHANG Ning-nan, XU Da-ping, JIM Morris, YANG Zeng-jiang, ZHOU Guang-yi
2007, 20(5): 591-597.
The sap flux density ( SFD) and water use of a 25-year-old Pinus caribaea plantation were measured indry season (October 2000 to February 2001) atLeizhou Pen insula, sou thern Ch ina by using the heat pu lsemethod.Experimental resu lts showed that the sap flux density ( SFD) of the middle sapwood was higher than the outer andinner; the da ily SFDs of different sizes of trees diameter had similar pattern, the b igger trees had h igher SFD thanthe smaller trees due to the d ifference in size of root system; the mean da ily SFD at stand level was around 411~4 120 L# m-2 # d-1, themean was 2 084 L# m-2 # d-1; the SFD was a ffected by solar radiation, vapor pressuredefic it (VPD) , a ir temperature and humidity in non2ra iny days, and byVPD and humidity in rainy days in the dryseason. The dailywater use at single tree levelwas changed from 6. 4 to 169. 5 L, with amean of55. 5 L. The dailywater use of forest standwas between 0. 35~ 3. 52 mm# d-1, with a mean ofmean is 1. 71 mm# d-1. The totalwater use in dry season was 257. 7 mm, or 72. 3% of the tota l ra infa ll during the period.
Variations in N iche Breadth of Dominant Plant Populations along anAltitudinalGradient in Shikengkong of Guangdong Province
ZHANG Lu, SU Zhi-yao, CHEN Bei-guang, LI Zhen-kui
2007, 20(5): 598-603.
A horizonta l transect ( 10 m × 120m ) w as placed at 100m a lt itudina l interval from an elevat ion o f 300mto 1 900m a. s. .lin Shikengkong. Canon ical CorrespondenceA na lysis ( CCA ) and One-way ANOVA w ere used todetect a ltitudina l patterns of niche and its env ironmental corre lates. The results w ere as fo llow s: 1) Dom inant plantpopu lations had the biggest n iche breadth w ith th ickness o f humus layer as the resource state, w hich had the sma l-lest n iche breadth w ith slope as the resource state in Shikengkong; 2) One-w ay ANOVA and Tukey?? sHSD show edniche breadth of dom inant popu lations d id not change sign if icantly in the evergreen broad-leaved fo rest (P > 0. 05) ,w hile niche breadth of dom inant popu lat ions in the coniferous and broad-leavedm ixed forest and themontane broad-leaved and elfin forest change sign if icantly (P < 0. 001); 3) Canonical Correspondence Analysis ind icated that as-pect and litterfallw ere correlated w ith CCA axes 1 and axes 2. Dom inant popu lations had d ifferent niche breadth asdifferent resource states. Compared w ith n iche breadth, CCA could ind icate niche and its env ironmen tal corre latesin Sh ikengkong.
Investiga tion on Four Type of Torreya grandis
HAN Ning-lin, HU Wen-cui, WANG Dong-hui, WEI Jin-hui, LI Feng
2007, 20(5): 604-608.
The investigation from 2001 to 2006 showed that Xifei variety of the Torreya grandis maybe come from afew torreya trees. There were differences in the period of germination and mature, aswell as in the shape of leaf andseed. According to the investigation , four excellent typeswere found in the Dongyong City, Zhejiang Province , theywere the Thin Seed Xifei (Dongyong number 1) , the EarlierMature Thin Seed Xifei (Dongyong number 2) , theBigger Leaf Xifei and the SmallerLeaf Xifei. The RAPD test ofDNA showed itwas true. In order to distinguish theratio of varies of width for the leaf and for the seed in its different parts, the concep t of variation gradientwas introduced. They had not only different forms in leaf and seed, but also distinctions in some habit. All of the four typesof Xifei grow at a lot of areas, seedling abundantly. So they could be called varieties indeed. The method combininginvestigation and testingwas very useful, thatwould make to find a lot of excellent resources of types from the p roduct populations in the future.
Study on the Species Diversity a tMoso Bamboo Stands of Different Type
ZHANG Gang-hua, XIAO Jiang-hua, NIE Jie-zhu, CHEN Shuang-lin, GUO Zi-wu
2007, 20(5): 615-621.
The species diversity of differentmoso bamboo standswere researched at Yongan, Fujian Province, whichwasmain distribution region ofmoso bamboo. The resultswere showed as follows: (1) The speceis in moso bamboostands was abandant but lots of specieswere endangered. (2) The species diversity of tree layer correlated significantly with species diversity of shrub layer, but poorlywith species diversity of herbage layer. The species diversityindex of tree layerwas lower than those of shrub and herbage layer. (3) The numerical relationship of species diversity index atmoso bamboo stands of different type were bamboo mixed stand with hardwood > bamboo mixed standwith conifer > pure bamboo stand, and extensive management bamboo stand >mid-intensive management bamboostand > intensive management bamboo stand at the tree and shrub layer. (4) The numerical relationship of speciesdiversity at herbage layer were bamboo mixed stand with conifer > pure bamboo stand > bamboo mixed stand withhardwood and mid-intensive mangament bamboo stand > extensive management bamboo stand > intensive management bamboo stand. (5) When bamboo mixed stands with hardwood were turned into pure bamboo stands, lots oftree species under canopy would be lost easily, but the amount of herbage species under canopy might be inceasedor decreased too.
Application of Five Types of LogisticModels Im itating theStand BasalArea Distribution ofChinese Fir Plantation
SUN Hong-gang, ZHANG Jian-guo, DUAN Ai-guo, TONG Shu-zhen
2007, 20(5): 622-629.
The Log isticmode ls are sub jected toex tensive applica tion, because theycan reflect the basic regu la tion ofpopu lation grow th w e l.lW e discuss the application of Log ist ic models and the ir improved ones to im itate the standbasal area of Ch inese Fir(Cunn inghamia lanceolata( Lamb. )Hook. ) p lantations. On the basis of same stand densi??ty, w e found thatw ith the increment of sit index, the higher the im itating precise, themore sign ificant the inf luenceof site qua lity tomodels; On the basis of same site qua lity, w e found that stand density influences the im itat ing pre??cise of a ll themodels. And w e also found that therew as no re lationship between the im ita ting precise and stand age.A s for the certain p lant popu lation, different type ofmode ls aced of the ir ow n accord. Compared w ith the o ther fourtypes o f Log isticModels, Z??Log isticModel had themost stab le parameters and the h ighest im itating precise wh ich,w e th ink, is the best to im itating the stand basal area ofCh inese F ir plantations. The parameters o f improvedmode lshad d irect influence on Log ist icmodels to im itate the curve shape, using as shape parameters.
Integrative Selecting and Breeding of Pop lar Pulpwood Varieties withWater-saving, H igh-yielding and Superior Quality
SU Xiao-hua, LI Yi-liang, HUNG Qin-jun, ZHANG Bing-yu, ZHANG Xiang-hua, HE Qing-geng, LIU Zhi-xin
2007, 20(5): 630-637.
In th is study, 10 hybrid clones of Section A irge irosw ere used as plantmater ia l and current excellent variet iesP. × euramericana Guarien to# and P. × euramricana ( Dode) Gu ineir cv. ? zhong lin-46# as controls, two new exce llentPopulus pu lpw ood varieties J2 and J6 w ere se lected through indoo r and outdoor w ater stress trials, geneticcharacters( grow th, w ood properties and pu lp y ield etc. ) of reg ional tria ls in d ifferen t eco log ical areas, and in tegrated ana lysis ofWUE, y ie ld and wood qualit ies. J2 and J6 had the characterist ics o f long-fiber, higher ho locellulose,low er lign in con tent and 1% NaOH ex tract ives, w hich filled in the b lank o f drought and salt-resistant pop lar breeding in north and northw est China.
A Study on the Stem Sap Flow of Ind ividualTrees of Populus simonii underD ifferentWeather Conditions in Rainy Season in Guanting Reservoir
GUAN Wei, YE Bing, WANG Yan-hui, LIU Li-bing, TIAN Yu-zhu
2007, 20(5): 638-643.
By using themethod o f heat pulse ve loc ity recorder and w atch dogw eather station, the sap flux density ofindividual trees ofPopulus simonii under d ifferent w eather cond itions in ra iny season w asm easured and its re lationsh ip w ith environmenta l factors w as ana lysed in Shangx inzhuang Research Station fo r So il andWaterConservation ofGuanting Reservoir, wh ich located in Yanqing Coun ty, Be ijing. The results show ed that the sap flow varied regu larly w ith w eather conditions in day time and in seasons. The sap flow started at 5:30- 6:30, and ascended to thepeak during 12:00- 13:00, then began to decrease at 16:00 and slow ly decrease since 20:00. It arrived at thelow est point at the time before the sun rises in next day. There w ere sign ificant posit ive re lationships betw een theda ily accumulated sap flux( SFA ) and some diurnalmeteo ro log ical or so il env ironment factors, such as sun rad iation( ESR ), air temperature ( Ta ), and relat ive a ir hum id ity ( RH ). The re lationsh ip betw een SFA and so ilmo isture in the layer o f 0~ 40 cm ( Sw40 ) w as a sign ificant and negative one. The ir reg ression equat ion w as SFA = 69. 7 +5??63ESR + 3. 12Ta + 0. 239RH - 1. 13Sw40 (R = 0. 752).
Appraisal of Antiox idation Activity ofMagnolia guandif lora Leaves
HE Kai-yue, LI Xiao-chu, FAN Ya-su, ZHANG Shuang-quan, BI Hui-min
2007, 20(5): 644-649.
The extract fromMagnolia grand if lora leavesw as iso lated by ethy l acetate and its main components w ereidentified by physical and chem icalm ethods. Its antiox idat ion activ ity w as detected and eva luated by two system s( DPPH?and lec ith in)w ith con tro ls for syn thetic an tiox idant PG ( propy l gallate) and natural antiox idan t PA ( phy ticacid) . The resu lts show ed that the extract conta ined f lavono ids and pheno lic compounds. W hen the ex tractw as d ilu??ted by 10 tim es( 92. 00mg?mL-1 ), its scaveng ing rate to H2O2 atta ined the h ighest, 29. 41% ; when itw as d ilu??ted by 20 t imes( 46. 00mg?mL-1 ), it had the h ighest activ ity to restra in ing act ive oxygen, 500 un its. The activ ityof tota l antiox idation from non??enzym e system w as 270 activ ity un its when the ex tract w as d iluted by 50 t imes ( 18.40 mg?mL-1 ). The resu lts o f appraisal by DPPH?and lec ithin systems show ed tha twhen the ex tractw as dilutedby 50 times( 18. 40mg?mL-1 ) , it had the best effect o f antiox idation w ith the highest scavenging rate to DPPH ??( 92. 69% ), wh ich w as h igher than PG and the restraining rate to lip id perox idat ion( 56. 67% ) w as as same as PA .Th is result prov ided scient ific basis for further approach ing and explo iting the b iolog ical act iv ity ofM. grand if lora.
Study of High Y ield Cultiva tion Technolog ies of O il-TeaCamellia ( Cam e llia ole ife ra ) ———Formula te Fertiliza tion
CHEN Yong-zhong, PENG Shao-feng, WANG Xiang-nan, YANG Xiao-hu, HE Jun-hui, WANG De-bin
2007, 20(5): 650-655.
Formulate fertilization was emp loyed on both young and grown p lantation of oil-tea camellia (Cam ellia oleifera) superior clone by random section or orthogonal trial. The results showed that consp icuous positive effectswereappeared on the average fruit yearly capacity with 9 kinds of formulate fertilization. The influence sequence to thegrown p lantation was fertilization amount (200 kg·hm-2 ) >microelement( Zn 10 g per plant) > fertilized frequency( uninterrup ted fertilization) > compound ofN∶P2O5 ∶K2O (5∶1∶5) , while to the young p lantation was alternant yearfertilization with compound ofN∶P2O5 ∶K2O (2∶1∶2) , the fruit yield reached 1. 16 kg per p lant and 136. 4% higherto the control. It also showed that the phosphorus fertilization could affect the fruit yield, while the formulate fertilization didn’t affect the fresh seed percentage of the young p lantation.
Stability of Insect??resistance of Bt Transformed Populus n igraPlantation and Its Effects on the Natural Enem ies of Insects
HU Jian-jun, LI Shu-mei, LU Meng-zhu, LI Ji-xiang, LI Kai-hua, SUN Xue-qin, ZHAO Zi-yu
2007, 20(5): 656-659.
The damage caused byApocheim ia cinerarius E rscho ff and Orthosia incertaH ufnage in B t transformedP op ulus nigra p lantation located inM anasi P lain Forest S tation, X injiang Uygur Autonomous Reg ion w as investigatedduring 1997- 2001. The leaf loss w as less than 10% and the larvae density in the so il decreased from 18 headsm-2 in 1997 to 8 heads m-2 in 2001, but the larvae density increased in the non-transgen ic p lantation. In 2005,the leaf loss caused by Apocheim ia cinerarius E rschoff in B t transformed plantation in Huairou o f Beijing w as lessthan 20% , but itw as 90% in non-transgenic pop lar p lantation. This indicated that the insect-resistance of transgenic pop larw as stable, and can reduce the larvae density effective ly in the field formany years. The variety, numberand parasit ic rat io of the natural enem ies o f insects in the transgenic pop lar plantation (M anasi) w ere mo re thanthose in the non-transgenic pop lar plantations. The resu lt of the inocu lation of the insect pupae co llected from transgenic poplar p lantat ion, nearby poplar p lantat ion and the contro l p lantation w ith the w asp (Chouioia cunea Y ang. )show ed that there w as no significant d ifference o f thew asp ec losion rate and number betw een them. It can be concluded that up to know there is no significan t negative effect o f transgen ic pop lar on the natural enem ies o f insects.
Ant Spec ies D iversity on Ea st Slope of YunlingMounta in in Northwestern Yunnan
GUO Xiao, XU Zheng-hui, YANG Jun-wu, SHI Sheng-li, LI Qiao
2007, 20(5): 660-667.
Using samp le p lot investigation method, ant communities and species diversity of 32 samp le p lots on 5vertical and 10 horizontal bands from east slope of YunlingMountain were surveyed in October 2004. The Speciesnumbers ranged between 1~17, individual densities ranged between 4. 0~368. 0 heads?m-2 , species diversityindexes ranged between 0 ~1. 787, evenness indexes ranged between 0. 062 ~0. 747, and p redominant indexesranged between 0. 223~1. 000. On vertical bands, the individual densitieswere basically decreasing alongwith theincreasing of altitude and decreasing of temperature. Because the middle section of the mountain has the best condition of vegetation and climate, the maximum values of ant species numbers, species diversity indexes and evennessindexeswere observed at the middle section, meanwhile, the minimum values of p redominant indexeswere obtainedat the same p lace. On horizontal bands, almost all the diversity indexeswere without regularity, the phenomenon wasclosely related with special partial environments and human being disturbance of the samp le p lots. According to similarity coefficents, ant communities of different samp le p lotswere distinctly divergence on both vertical and horizontalbands, the whole ecosystem of YunlingMountain at Northwestern Yunnan is rich in habitat diversity.
RAPD Ana lysis on the Genetic D iversity ofW ild andCultiva ted Popula tion s ofM use lla lasioca rpa
PAN Qing-jie, LI Zheng-hong, WANG Yan, TIAN Jie, GU Yong, LIU Xiu-xian
2007, 20(5): 668-672.
Random amp lified polymorphic DNA (RAPD ) was amp lified to study the genetic diversity and geneticstructure of Musella lasiocarpa based on twelve wild and cultivated populations. 10 p rimers were screened to use,and 88 bandswere amp lified, among which 85 were polymorphic. At specific level, the percentage of polymorphicbands, the genetic diversity index and Shannon information index were 96. 59% , 0. 289 0 and 0. 441 6. The totalgene differentiation ( Gst) was 0. 568 2, which indicated 43. 13% of genetic variation resided within populationsand slightly higher than that among populations. The genetic identity among populations ranged from 0. 66 to 0. 95.The results from cluster analysis showed that the genetic distance among wild populations was close, and was consistent with their geographical distribution pattern; the genetic distance among cultivated populationswas far and wasnot consistentwith their geographical distribution pattern.
Study on the Cone Character itics and Seed Output of a Cr itica llyEndangered Plan t , Thu ja su tchuenensis, in the World
WANG Xiang-fu, GUO Quan-shui, HAO Jian-xi, MA Chao, WAN Quan-xing
2007, 20(5): 673-677.
The length, width ,weight and seed output of the cones of Thuja sutchuenensis were analysed. No significant difference was found on length, width and dryweight of cones from two natural distribution of Thu ja sutchuenensis-Xuebaoshan and Dabashan mountains. But the effect of differentmother p lants under the same condition on thesecharacterswas significant. For the cones of Thuja sutchuenensis, the p roportion of the coneswithout seed was 7. 1%.The average p lump seed number per cone was 3. The 1 000 seed weight of Thuja sutchuenensis was lighter, only1.126 4 g. No significant difference was found for the seed number in different cones from the same mother p lant.This showed that for the same mother p lant the sexual rep roduction was in the same developmental level and conesdevelopment was nearly the same.
Prevention and Curing Technique of Phloem InsectPests in Q ilianMountains Nature Reserve
YUAN Hong, WANG You-kui, NI Zi-yin, WANG Ling, JIANG Zhi-cheng, DI Hua
2007, 20(5): 678-682.
From the year 1998 to 2004, w ith the means o f tread and standard terra investigation together, 87 speciesphloem insects belong ing to 8 fam ilies of 3 orders in Q ilianMounta insN atureReserve w ere found. They w ere - spe??cies( 1 fam ily) of Thysanoptera, 81 species( 6 fam ilies) o f C oleptera and 4 species( 1 fam ilie) of Lep idoptera. Thema in w ere 15 species of Buprest idae, 32 species of C erambyc idae, 3 species of Sco lytidae and 29 spec ies o f Ipidae.The characteristics of infestat ion and occurrence of pests w ere observed, the strategy and tactic w ere put forw ard.Them ethods of eco log ical contro l o f in tegrated cultivate, clean ing the destroyed w ood and pro tecting natural enem iesw ere condueted.
Effect of So ilWa ter Stress on Active OxygenMetabolism of Chestnut Seedling Leaves
SHI Zhong-jie, DU A-peng, HU Zhe-sen, XU Da-ping
2007, 20(5): 683-687.
Some indexes, such as the active oxygen p rotective system and some free radicles,were measured by thecontrolling the water in container seedlings. The results indicated that the total relative water contents and the p rotein contents dropped with the increase of stress intensity and the contents of total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotinoid had a descending trend. The activities of the SOD, POD and CAT descended firstly, then ascended and descended lastly and the activity of ASP had a descending trend. The free radicles showed differentchanging trend: the O2 p roducing rates increased firstly, and then decreased and increased lately with the waterstress intensity, but the H2O2 contents raised firstly and then decreased. BothMDA content and membrane relativepermeability had an ascending trend with the increasing stress. The activity of the enzymes such as SOD, CAT andASP may evaluate the drought2resistant of the chestnut seedlings as indexes.
Photosynthetic Responses of Sch im a supe rba Grown in D ifferentL ight Reg imes of Subtropica l Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
WANG Rong, GUO Zhi-hua
2007, 20(5): 688-693.
Schim a superba is an evergreen broadleaf tree of sun p lant, it is also the p ioneer species ofmonsoon evergreen broadleaf forest in subtrop ical China. The diurnal changes of photosynthesis, the light responses of Pn and theresponses to transitory shading of Schim a superba which was grown in open, gap and understorywere investigated onclear day in summer. The results showed that: (1) The average PAR of one day ( PARday ) in open was about 1 230μmol·m-2 ·s-1 , and it was about 1. 7 and 12. 3 times as big as gap and understory respectively; the Ta in openwasmuch higher than in gap and understory, but the RH was quite the contrary. (2) Schim a superba has shown amidday dep ression of photosynthesis in open and gap, but has not in understory. The extent of photosynthesis dep ression in open was about 60% , yet itwas about 30% in gap. The maximum net photosynthetic rate of Schim a superbain open was about 17. 8μmolCO2 ·m-2 ·s-1 , itwas about 1. 8 and 3. 4 times as big as gap and understory respectively; moreover, the light saturation points, light compensation points and dark resp iration rate were elevated alongwith the increase of growth light intensity. ( 3) In the transitory shading period, the stomatal conductance and thetransp iration rate decreased whereas the intercellular CO2 concentration increased along with the fall of PAR in all light regimes. The water use efficiency showed different rule in understory , it decreased alongwith the fall of PARin open and gap, however, it kep t a high value when the PAR was between 130 and 800μmol·m-2 ·s-1 in understory. (4) There were frequent instantaneous light-flecks in understoy, the PAR and Pn of Schim a superba leaves inlight2fleck area were 10 and 4 times big than that in p re2irradiated area and no light2fleck area respectively.
A Study on the Cold In jury of Azadirach ta indica in theReg iona l Testing Area s of Yunnan Prov ince
ZHANG Yan-ping, PENG Xing-min, LAI Yong-qi
2007, 20(5): 694-698.
Low temperature and cold injury need to be taken into account for the introduction of Azadirachta ind icafrom its native with trop ical climate condition to subtrop ical climate areas. The extremely low temperature is the mostimportant factor to cold damage of A. ind ica. There was no cold injury in areas where the temperature was above 2℃. In the range of 0 ~2 ℃ some sap lings exhibited symp toms of leaf fall and withering. The symp toms of tip,branch withering and stem death occurred as the lowest temperature was below 0 ℃. Cold injurywas exacerbated byheavy frost and ice. An increase in relative humidity aggravated the extent of cold injury. The result from yearly observation of cold damage and the analysis ofmeteorological data shows: branches or stems of trees died to differentdegrees throughout the winter, weak trees died, a few trees blossomed and fruited, and the fruits could not ripenwhen the mean daily minimum temperature lower than or equal to 0 ℃ was more than 1. 5 days within one year.There was no cold injury to trees over 4 years old. Leaves of a few young trees died in the winter if the lowest temper2ature ( below 0 ℃) occurred occasionallywhen the mean dailyminimum temperature ≤0 ℃ drop down to 0 days inone year. When the lowest temperature ranged between 0~2 ℃, young trees blossomed and fruited normally, somedieback occurred, and the tip ormargin of leaflets dried. No symp tom of cold injury occurred when the lowest temperature was above 2 ℃ in the winter. The oldest and strongest treeswere more resistant to the coldness. Trees distributed in the valley-bottoms and on the northern slopes are ap t to be affected by low temperatures.
Transforma tion of C ry I Ac and AP I Two Insect-resistantGenes to Poplar( Popu lus alba ×P. glandu losa )
LI Ke-you1, FAN Jun-feng, ZHAO Zhong, LI Ling, ZHU Hai-lan
2007, 20(5): 699-704.
Based on the established leaf exp lant regeneration system of pop lar ( Popu lus alba ×P. glandu losa cv.84K) , Cry I Ac and API fused genes were introduced into the genome of pop lar 84K by Agrobacterium tum efaciensmediated transformation. Through successive selection in the period of shoot and root induction under high level kanamycin-p ressure, 400 kanamycin-resistant regenerated p lantswere obtained, 70 of them were positive resulted byPCR detection. Southern hybridization and EL ISA detection were further showed that Cry I Ac and API gene hadbeen integrated into the genome of 84Kwith one or two cop ies and exp ressed. The transformation p lantswere giveninsect feeding testwith larvae of Clostera anachoreta. The results showed the mortality of insect larvae was accountedfor 60. 0%~80. 0% , and the growth of the survival larvae were seriously inhibited. These p lants could p rovide newresources for pop lar insect-resistant breeding.
Study on the BiologicalCharacteristics of Staphy lea bumalda DC.
LIU Zheng-xiang, ZHANG Hua-xin, LIU Tao
2007, 20(5): 705-709.
The morpho log ical characteristics, f low erring-fru it ing habits and phonological periods of 4 ~ 5-year-oldS taphy lea bumalda in distribution centerw ere stud ied systema tica lly by w ild observation, thema in results are as fo llow s: ( 1) Them ean height and ground d iam eter of trees at the age o f 5 w as 162. 5 cm and 1. 9 cm in Tongba i ofHe# nan respect ive ly. There w ere 45~ 50 fruited branches in every c luster tree. A fter productive per iod, therew ere468 inflorescencesw ith a fruit percentage o f17%, and 0. 4 kg of air-dr ied seedsw as harvested from each tree. ( 2)8 characters, that is, number o fma in branches per tree, number o f fru ited branches per ma in branch, number ofin florescences per fruited branch, number of flow ers per in flo rescence, mass of every fresh in flo rescence, fru it ra teof capsule, mass of every capsule and seed number o f every capsule, had a bigger variat ion among trees and couldbe considered as importan t testing characters for the cho ice and breed ing of super clones. ( 3 ) The pheno log icalrhy thm s of trees in d ifferen t sites of Sh ita i of Anhu,i Dawu o fHube i and Tongbai o fHe# nan w ere consistent and nodist inct d ifference. The per iods of sprou ting, budding, frondesce, b lossom and defo liation w ere concentrative andlasting only for 20~ 30 days, w hile the periods o f fructescence and absc ission lasted for 40~ 50 days, and the periods of fru it grow th and plan t dormancy w ere about 95~ 110 days.
Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics of FourA lnus cremastogyne Varieties under DifferentCO2 Concentrations
ZHOU Xiao-ling, TIAN Da-lun, ZHANG Xu-dong, XU Zhong-kun, XU Qing-qian
2007, 20(5): 710-716.
In order to ut ilize the superior variet ies o fA lnus cremastogyne sc ientif ica lly, the photosynthetic characteristics o f fourA lnu s cremastogyne fam ilies, H1, H12, J5 and J10, w ere stud ied under different CO2 concentrations atseedling stage. The results w ere as follow s: ( 1)W ith the increase o fCO2 concentration, the net photosynthet ic rate offourA lnus cremastogyne varieties show ed ascending trend, the irCO2 compensation po int w ere from 39μmo l?mol-1to 154μmol?mol-1, and their CO2 saturat ion po in tw ere from 800μmo l?mol-1 to 2 000μmol?mol-1. The highest va lue of Pm show ed in June, Wh ile the low est in O ctember; ( 2)W ith the increase of CO2 concentrat ion, thecarboxylat ion efficiency( CE) o f fourA lnus cremastogyne varietiesw ere betw een 0. 001 5 and 0. 051 5, andH 1, H12presented greater CE, So their high temperature tolerance ab ility w as stronger than that o f J5 and J10; w hile H12show ed stronger photosynthetic efficiency thanH 1; ( 3)W ith the increase of CO2 concentration, the transpirationrate ( Tr) and stom atal conductance ( Cond) decreased, wh ile the in terce llu lar CO2 concentration ( C i) increased.The low est eigenvalue o fTr, C i and Cond show ed in October; and the performance o fH12 and J10 w as rather g reater thanH1 and J5. So irragration in Autumn and drough t-resistance variety selection p layed important ro le in grow thofA lnus cremastogyne. ( 4) The vapor deflic it at the leaf surface o fA lnus cremastogyne varieties increased slow ly w iththe increase o f CO2 concentra tion.
Ana lysis on Nutr ient Character istics in the Root System ofAbies georgei var. sm ith ii in Mount Sejila of Tibet
XIN Xue-bing, KONG Qing-yun, FANG Jiang-ping
2007, 20(5): 717-721.
The distribution of total nutrient content in the root system direction of Abies georgei var. sm ithii was inthe order of south >west > east > north, ofwhich the contents ofN、K、Fe、Mn were obvious difference among directions, and that of nutrientswas of great difference among variouswidth class of roots, the sequence of the total nutrient content in the rootswas in the order of slender roots >middle ones > thick ones. The total nutrient content in theslender rootswas 1. 46 times that in thick ones, in particular, the contents ofN,Mg, Fe, andMn had an evident rulethat in the roots of tree the total nutrient content increased with their length, and there was the obvious tendency especially in slender roots. The amount of nutrient stored in the root system of tree was influenced by biomass and nutrient content in the roots. The amount of nutrient stored in the rootswas seriallymiddle roots > thick ones > slenderones, and the amount of element stored in the roots was N > K >Mg > Ca >Mn > P > Cu >Na > Fe > Zn with therange of 1. 13~165. 21 g. The amount of abundant nutrient in the root system of fir tree per unit showed that the Nstorage wasmore than that of armand p ine ( Pinus arm andi) , while that the storage ofMgmore than that of armandp ine or Chinese p ine ( Pinus tabulaeform is) , and of the other elementswas less with the contrast to that of armandp ine, sharp tooth oak (Quercus aliena var. acutesena ta) and Chinese p ine.
Clon ing and Character iza tion of COM T Gene from B am busa oldham ii
LI Xue-ping, GAO Zhi-min, PENG Zhen-hua, YUE Yong-de, GAO Jian, CAI Chun-ju, MU Shao-hua
2007, 20(5): 722-725.
A gene of COM T family was cloned by RT-PCR and RACE from B am busa oldham ii and named B oCOM T1. B oCOM T1, with a full length of 1 377 bp, encoded a polypep tide of 361 amino acids with p redicted molecular mass of 39 kDa. The results of amino acid sequence analysis showed thatBoCOMT1 had the highest similarity of 86. 7% with TaCOMT, phylogenetic analysis showed that BoCOM T1 is more related to TaCOMT. The exp ression level of B oCOM T1 in stem is about two times as in leaf.
Study on Burning Behaviour of Phy llostachys pubescensw ith D ifferentHeated Surface
LU Feng-zhu, CHEN Fei, MA Ling-fei, MA Nai-xun
2007, 20(5): 726-730.
Burning behav iour o fP hyllostachys pubescens aged 6 years w ith d ifferent heated surface w ere tested bycone ca lorim eterw ith the heat irradiance 50 kW ? m-2. The results show ed that the ign it ion time o f bamboo w oodw as in order of outer cu lm > inner culm> m idd le culm w hen the tangen tial section was used as a heated surface.M eanwh ile, w ith the rad ia l section o r cross section w as used as a heated surface, the ignition tim e of bamboo w oodw as in order o f outer culm> m idd le culm > inner culm. When the tangential section, the radia l section and cross sect ion o fm idd le culm w ere used as heated surface, the longest ignit ion tim ew as produced by the cross sect ion. The total heat re lease o f 600 s of bamboow ood w as in order o f ou ter cu lm> inner cu lm> m iddle cu lm. The pkHRR o f outer culm and inner culm w as at first peak, the t ime of the 2nd pkHRR of bamboo wood w as delayed from inner culmto outer culm. W hen the cross section used as the heat surface, thew idth of the 2nd pkHRR increased. The carbon ization time became shorter. There w ere tw o stronger process of smoke, onew as before the ign iting and ano therw asafter the charring finished. The w eakest smoke appears in the charr ing and flameless combustion stage. The massloss and the heat re lease ind icated the same chang ing curves.
Provenance D ifferences of Photosynthetic Characters of Taxus chinensisvar. mairei Seedlings and Effect of L ight Environment
JIAO Yue-ling, ZHOU Zhi-chun, LI Yin-gang, WANG J ian, WANG Yue-sheng
2007, 20(5): 731-735.
The provenance d ifference for pho tosynthet ic characters ofTaxus ch inensis var. mairer seedlingw as stud iedby use of provenance tria l under d ifferent shading cond ition located at Chun’ an of Zhe jiang. The resu lt ind icatedthat there w ere obv ious provenance d ifferences for height grow th, dry matter accumu lation, ch lo rophy ll a, b and thetota l conten,t photosynthesis rate w ith d ifferent geograph ica l genetic variation pa ttern. Seedling he ightw as found tobe positively and sign ificantly re lated to the altitude and long itude of its seed source. Con trast ing to seedling he igh,tdry matter appeared to be certainly and negatively re lated to the a ltitude and long itude of its seed source. Therew ereno obv ious geograph ica l variat ion pattern for ch lo rophy ll content and photosynthesis rate. The provenancesw ithmorech lorophy ll had h igher pho tosynthesis rate and greater dry matter accumulation. Ana lysis demonstrated that there existed great effect o f light env ironm ent on photosynthetic character o f seedling. A t September, the chlorophyll a, band to tal content o f the seed lings under light transm ittance 10% w ere 12. 0%, 16. 1% and 13. 7% more than theones under light transm ittance 25% respect ively. A t O ctober, the chlorophyll a, b and tota l conten t o f the mostprovenances w ere declined under light transm ittance 10% , and average pho tosynthesis rate of the provenances testedw as 13. 7% less than the one under light transm ittance 25%. The change o f ch lorophy ll con tent o f provenance seedling at various grow th stages varied w ith light condition. Under light transm ittance 25% , the content of chlorophy llw as low er atAugus,t h ighest at September, and decreased o r increased slightly at October. Under light transm ittance 10%, the content o f chlorophyll at Octoberw as descended above 20% than one at September.
Studies on Cutting Propagation of Potentilla f ruticosa
ZHENG Jian, ZHENG Yong-qi, YUAN L in, ZHANG Chuan-hong, LI Jun-kai
2007, 20(5): 736-738.
The techn iques o f cutting propagation ofP otentilla f ruticosa was studied. The tender stem cuttings and thew oody stem cu tt ings w ere treated by d ifferent concentrations o f BBA ( 0 mg? kg-1, 10 mg? kg-1, 50 mg? kg-1,100mg? kg-1, 200mg? kg-1, 500 mg? kg-1 ) . The resu lts ind icated that the roo ting percen tage o f tender stemcuttings at the concentration of 10mg ? kg- 1BBA w as the h ighest ( 88. 3% ) , and that ofw oody stem cutt ings treated by the concentration o f 50 mg? kg-1 BBA w as the h ighest( 66. 67% ). It also ind icated that the roo ting percentages of the tender stem cuttingsw ere better than those of the woody stem cuttings w ith same treatmen.t