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  • 第二届国家期刊奖提名奖


Advances in Tissue Culture Techniques of Trees and the Problems Existed

  • Received Date: 2015-04-16
  • The advances in forest plant tissue culture in recent years are reviewed from the aspects of explant selection, explant differentiation pathway, and the factors that have effects on proliferation and rooting in the process of tissue culture. There are three differentiation pathways (axillary bud germination, indirect organogenesis and somatic enbryogenesis), in which the axillary bud germination is popularity. It is necessary to choose different kind of explant according to the differentiation pathway. The culture medium and plant growth regulator are the main factors influencing the proliferate. The study on culture medium has shifted from the selection of general medium to culture medium without sucrose, and the concepts of photoautotrophic culture and open tissue culture emerged. Plant growth regulator is the critical factor for rooting. The interaction of endogenous hormone and exogenous hormones has great influence on proliferation. The causes and solutions of vitrification, browning and pollution in tissue culture were explained. Studying on vitrification and browning focused on the physiological state and culture environment of explant. It is suggested that tissue culture without sucrose could less the vitrification and browning by improvement of culture environment. Traditional culture focuses on solving the pollution problem by aseptic technique, resulting in high cost. The new tissue culture could lower the requirement of aseptic technique by adding bacteriostats and taking out sucrose. Open culture without high temperature and pressure sterilization under the adding of bacteriostats. Photoautotrophic culture which making use of the photosynthetic capacity of cultured explants, reducing the concentration of sucrose, and adjusting the light conditions, concentration of CO2, and moisture is another method for tissue culture. Both focus on reducing cost and simplifying culture procedure.
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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Advances in Tissue Culture Techniques of Trees and the Problems Existed

  • 1. Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou 510520, Guangdong, China

Abstract: The advances in forest plant tissue culture in recent years are reviewed from the aspects of explant selection, explant differentiation pathway, and the factors that have effects on proliferation and rooting in the process of tissue culture. There are three differentiation pathways (axillary bud germination, indirect organogenesis and somatic enbryogenesis), in which the axillary bud germination is popularity. It is necessary to choose different kind of explant according to the differentiation pathway. The culture medium and plant growth regulator are the main factors influencing the proliferate. The study on culture medium has shifted from the selection of general medium to culture medium without sucrose, and the concepts of photoautotrophic culture and open tissue culture emerged. Plant growth regulator is the critical factor for rooting. The interaction of endogenous hormone and exogenous hormones has great influence on proliferation. The causes and solutions of vitrification, browning and pollution in tissue culture were explained. Studying on vitrification and browning focused on the physiological state and culture environment of explant. It is suggested that tissue culture without sucrose could less the vitrification and browning by improvement of culture environment. Traditional culture focuses on solving the pollution problem by aseptic technique, resulting in high cost. The new tissue culture could lower the requirement of aseptic technique by adding bacteriostats and taking out sucrose. Open culture without high temperature and pressure sterilization under the adding of bacteriostats. Photoautotrophic culture which making use of the photosynthetic capacity of cultured explants, reducing the concentration of sucrose, and adjusting the light conditions, concentration of CO2, and moisture is another method for tissue culture. Both focus on reducing cost and simplifying culture procedure.

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