• 中国中文核心期刊
  • 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)核心库来源期刊
  • 中国科技论文统计源期刊(CJCR)
  • 第二届国家期刊奖提名奖
Volume 30 Issue 6
Dec.  2017
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Superior Plant and Clone Selection and Evaluation of Introduced Dalbergia sissoo Provenances

  • Corresponding author: SHI Lei; 
  • Received Date: 2017-04-02
  • Objective To select superior plant and clone of Dalbergia sissoo. Method The height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of mother plants of four introduced D. sissoo provenances were measured. Twenty trees were selected as superior plants; The clone seedlings were propagated by grafting, then the height and DBH were measured to find superior clones for selective breeding of good varieties for D. sissoo with comparative analysis height and DBH among the 20 clones. Result The height and DBH variable coefficient (VC) of mother plants of four D. sissoo provenances were very great, and both the height and DBH of the twenty selected superior plants were approximately equal to, or greater than 130% of the mean height and DBH of mother plants. The height and DBH of clone 9 and clone 10 were significantly greater than that of the other clones and the control, followed by clones 12, 19 and 20. The trunk was straight, and the DBH was large for superior plants 9 and 10, and the height and DBH of clones 9 and 10 were also 70% higher than the mean values of mother trees. The height and DBH of clones 9 and 10 were significantly higher than that of the other clones, and both 30% higher than the control. It is proved that clones 9 and 10 could be selected as superior clone. Conclusion Twenty superior plants were selected, and twenty clones were reproduced, and clones 9 and 10 were chosen as the superior clones for selective breeding of D. sissoo.
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Superior Plant and Clone Selection and Evaluation of Introduced Dalbergia sissoo Provenances

    Corresponding author: SHI Lei; 
  • Research Institute of Resources Insects, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China

Abstract:  Objective To select superior plant and clone of Dalbergia sissoo. Method The height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of mother plants of four introduced D. sissoo provenances were measured. Twenty trees were selected as superior plants; The clone seedlings were propagated by grafting, then the height and DBH were measured to find superior clones for selective breeding of good varieties for D. sissoo with comparative analysis height and DBH among the 20 clones. Result The height and DBH variable coefficient (VC) of mother plants of four D. sissoo provenances were very great, and both the height and DBH of the twenty selected superior plants were approximately equal to, or greater than 130% of the mean height and DBH of mother plants. The height and DBH of clone 9 and clone 10 were significantly greater than that of the other clones and the control, followed by clones 12, 19 and 20. The trunk was straight, and the DBH was large for superior plants 9 and 10, and the height and DBH of clones 9 and 10 were also 70% higher than the mean values of mother trees. The height and DBH of clones 9 and 10 were significantly higher than that of the other clones, and both 30% higher than the control. It is proved that clones 9 and 10 could be selected as superior clone. Conclusion Twenty superior plants were selected, and twenty clones were reproduced, and clones 9 and 10 were chosen as the superior clones for selective breeding of D. sissoo.

  • 印度黄檀(Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.)属蝶形花科(Fabaceae)黄檀属(Dalbergia)多用途速生木本植物, 主要分布于印度、巴基斯坦和尼泊尔等国家[1]。印度黄檀木材具有优良的坚固性和弹性,可用于制作家具、橱柜、乐器和胶合板[2];石雷等[3-5]对印度黄檀木材解剖结构及理化性质进行了研究,结果显示木材的解剖结构径向变异趋势明显,木材PH值为5.39,生长轮年龄与各解剖参数和结晶度相关性显著,印度黄檀的综合品质系数为2 309×105Pa,为高等级用材。这些性质均表明印度黄檀是优秀的用材,具有很高的经济价值,是一种值得推广的珍贵树种。石雷等在对引进的印度黄檀适生性气候因子研究显示,印度黄檀适宜在年平均气温为20~27℃, 极端低温高于0℃, 极端高温为39~43℃, 以及年平均降水量高于600 mm的地区推广种植,特别是云南省干热河谷地区[6]。刘絮子等[7]通过对气候条件分析认为,云南省适宜种植印度黄檀的土地面积占32.5%,最适宜面积占0.7%,较适宜面积占7.4%。


1.   材料与方法
  • 作者于2000年、2002年、2004年和2006年分别从尼泊尔、印度和洪都拉斯3个国家引进了4批印度黄檀种源,分别将4种种源编号为N0、N2、I4和H6,引进的当年7—8月进行造林,均种植于中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所元江热区试验站(云南省玉溪市元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县)。2007年1月9日,对4个种源的印度黄檀人工林的株高和胸径进行测量,N0、N2、I4和H6分别测定了38、106、20和33棵树。然后,选取较为优秀的印度黄檀作为无性繁殖的优株,以平均株高和胸径为标准,选取株高和胸径大于或者约等于平均值的130%,作为优株,共选择了20棵优株,编号1~20,进行无性系繁殖。由于未能收集到N2、I4和H6种源的种子,只收集到了N0种源的种子,因此以N0种源种子进行培育实生苗作为对照。

  • 种植无性系苗木样地位于云南省元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所热区试验站内。在元江热区试验站选择1块向阳的山丘,通过推土机将山丘自上而下,挖成类似于梯田的条状台地,每块台地相距高度为120 cm左右,并在台地用水管布满喷灌设施,便于给植株施水。同时,利用挖掘机在每1块台地中挖好用于种植印度黄檀的深坑,每个深坑相距100 cm左右,每个深坑深50 cm左右,直径80 cm左右。

  • 将20棵印度黄檀优株,通过嫁接的方式,分别繁殖2代,于第3代将选择的20个无性系进行编号(1~20号),通过随机区组的方式,于2015年7月20日种植在元江热区试验站上。设置3个小区,每小区种植127棵树,即每个无性系分别种植6棵树,实生苗种植7棵树。因此,3个小区,每个无性系各种植了18棵树,实生苗种植了21棵树。种植完成后,对根部进行浇水作业。于种植后第3天,在根部撒上生根粉,并同时进行浇水作业。之后,每隔3~5天进行1次喷灌浇水作业,每隔3个月进行1次施肥作业。于2016年11月25日进行株高和胸径数据的采集。

  • 不同无性系间的株高、胸径的差异,采用One-Way ANOVA进行分析,差异达到显著水平,则采用Duncan’s多重比较检验组间差异。优株和无性系的相对母株平均值和对照生长参数的生长增量,优株使用株高和胸径占母株平均值的百分比率表示,无性系使用株高和胸径占对照的百分比率表示。所有数据分析均在SPSS和EXCELL中进行。

2.   结果分析
  • 4种种源印度黄檀母株生长参数如表 1,4种种源印度黄檀母株的株高和胸径变异系数均超过了20%。N0种源株高变异系数最高,达到了34.76%;N2种源胸径变异系数最高,为37.90%。因此,引进种源印度黄檀实生苗变异较大,不适宜直接用于印度黄檀造林以及优良品种的选育(表 1)。

    种源Provenance 数量Number 株高Height /m 胸径DBH /cm
    平均值Mean 变异幅度
    Variation range
    变异系数VC 平均值Mean 变异幅度
    Variation range
    N0 38 10.7 2.8~17.0 34.76 11.7 2.3~18.0 29.18
    N2 106 4.9 1.8~11.5 32.90 4.0 1.1~8.2 37.90
    I4 20 7.2 5.0~11.1 21.50 5.7 4.0~9.2 24.40
    H6 33 7.1 4.2~11.9 30.70 7.9 3.3~16.7 50.70

    Table 1.  The growth situation of four provenances Dalbergia sissoo

    以株高或者胸径平均值的130%的数值,为参考标准选择优株。N0种源参考标准为株高13.91 m,胸径15.21 cm;N2为株高6.37 m,胸径5.2 cm;I4为株高9.36 m,胸径为7.41 cm;H6为株高9.23 m,胸径10.27 cm(表 2)。选择的优株,优先满足株高和胸径均大于参考标准,其次选择株高或者胸径大于参考标准,而另一生长参数在参考标准附近。因此,通过比对每1棵母株的生长参数大小,选择出了20个优株,如表 1所示。N0种源选择了8棵优株,株高为14.5~17.0 m,胸径为13.5~18.0 cm,编号为1~8;N2种源选择了6棵优株,株高为7.2~11.5 m,胸径为6.9~8.2 cm,编号为9~14;I4种源选择了3棵优株,株高为9.5~11.1m,胸径为7.8~9.2 cm,编号为15~17;H6种源也选择了3棵优株,株高为10.0~11.9m,胸径为14.0~16.7cm,编号为18~20(表 3)。共选择了20棵优株进行无性系繁殖。

    种源Provenance 株高Height /m 胸径DBH /cm
    N0 13.91 15.21
    N2 6.37 5.20
    I4 9.36 7.41
    H6 9.23 10.27

    Table 2.  The standard for superior plant selection of four provenances Dalbergia sissoo

    Superior plant
    Superior plant
    1 16.5 18.0 11 11.5 8.2
    2 14.8 15.0 12 7.9 7.0
    3 14.8 15.5 13 9.5 7.7
    4 14.5 14.0 14 7.2 6.9
    5 15.0 15.0 15 9.8 7.8
    6 14.7 13.5 16 9.5 8.6
    7 17.0 16.0 17 11.1 9.2
    8 15.0 15.0 18 11.9 16.7
    9 8.5 8.0 19 10.0 14.7
    10 8.9 7.8 20 10.7 14.0

    Table 3.  Growth parameters of superior plants of Dalbergia sissoo

  • 通过方差分析,结果显示20个无性系间的株高和胸径的差异,均达到了极显著的水平,具有较大的选择潜力(表 4)。对20个无性系株高和胸径进行Duncan’s多重比较,发现无性系9、10和12号表现出株高显著最高,其次为20和19号无性系(表 5);9和10号胸径也表现出显著最大,其次为20、19和18号,而12号与9、10、20、19和18号无显著差异,但要好于其它无性系(表 5);无性系9和10号株高变异系数为11.73%和11.55%,远远小于其它无性系,其胸径变异系数分别为18.53%和17.68%,也小于大多数无性系,其次为20、19和12号,其株高和胸径变异系数相较于其它无性系也比较小;不过18号无性系胸径变异系数较大,为28.51%。综上,无性系9和10号表现最好,优选为优良无性系。

    Growth index
    Quadratic sum
    自由度DF 均方和
    Mean sum of square
    F 显著性
    株高Height 组间Among groups 65.551 20 3.278 6.436 <0.000 1
    组内In group 208.788 410 0.509
    总数Total 274.340 430
    胸径DBH 组间Among groups 30.266 20 1.513 5.574 <0.000 1
    组内In group 111.306 410 0.271
    总数Total 141.572 430

    Table 4.  Variance analysis for growth of Dalbergia sissoo clones

    Height /m
    VC /%
    DBH /cm
    VC /%
    对照 2.88±0.08e 25.90 1.61±0.06efg 35.48
    1 2.40±0.21f 35.56 1.36±0.12g 36.62
    2 3.16±0.22cde 29.29 1.81±0.15def 34.77
    3 3.20±0.26cde 31.96 1.74±0.15defg 34.27
    4 3.19±0.17cde 21.53 1.84±0.15def 34.46
    5 3.06±0.20de 27.00 1.94±0.15bcde 31.85
    6 3.25±0.13bcde 16.45 1.72±0.09defg 20.71
    7 2.98±0.15e 20.37 1.58±0.11efg 28.98
    8 3.16±0.18cde 23.12 1.85±0.12cdef 26.25
    9 3.93±0.11a 11.73 2.35±0.10a 18.53
    10 4.01±0.11a 11.55 2.31±0.10a 17.68
    11 3.03±0.22e 30.29 1.74±0.15defg 36.06
    12 3.96±0.16a 16.69 2.09±0.10abcd 20.73
    13 3.13±0.21cde 27.10 1.49±0.14fg 38.48
    14 3.35±0.12bcde 14.76 1.85±0.11cdef 25.40
    15 3.31±0.17bcde 21.17 1.85±0.12cdef 27.33
    16 3.35±0.14bcde 17.30 1.85±0.08cdef 18.07
    17 3.02±0.15e 21.59 1.60±0.10efg 27.54
    18 3.64±0.16abc 18.52 2.13±0.14abcd 28.51
    19 3.62±0.13abcd 15.19 2.24±0.09abc 16.51
    20 3.76±0.15ab 16.71 2.25±0.12ab 22.98
    同一列中不同小写字母表示不同无性系间数据差异水平达到P<0.05。Different lowercase letters in the same row means the significant level was at P<0.05.

    Table 5.  The height, DBH, and coefficient variation of Dalbergia sissoo clones

  • 无性系9号和10号在所有无性系中,株高分别达到了CK的136.46%和139.24%,胸径则分别达到了145.96%和143.48%,为所有无性系中最大;对于优株9号和10号,其株高和胸径均超过了N2种源母株平均株高和胸径的170%。其次为20号无性系,株高和胸径分别达到了CK的130.56%和139.75%,而20号优株株高和胸径也显著高于母株平均值的130%,分别为150.70%和177.22%。其它无性系,株高和胸径均未同时满足大于CK的130%,不过12号无性系株高超过了CK的130%,胸径则为CK的129.81;而18和19号无性系胸径均超过了CK的130%,而株高要小于CK的130%,均低于CK株高的127%。因此,9和10号无性系,可以选择为优良无性系,其次为20号,再次为12号。

    编号Number 优株Superior plant 无性系Clone
    CK(Mean of mother plants)
    100 100 100 100
    1 154.21 153.85 83.33 84.47
    2 138.32 128.21 109.72 112.42
    3 138.32 132.48 111.11 108.07
    4 135.51 119.66 110.76 114.29
    5 140.19 128.21 106.25 120.50
    6 137.38 115.38 112.85 106.83
    7 158.88 136.75 103.47 98.14
    8 140.19 128.21 109.72 114.91
    9 173.47 200.00 136.46 145.96
    10 181.63 195.00 139.24 143.48
    11 234.69 205.00 105.21 108.07
    12 161.22 175.00 137.50 129.81
    13 193.88 192.50 108.68 92.55
    14 146.94 172.50 116.32 114.91
    15 136.11 136.84 114.93 114.91
    16 131.94 150.88 116.32 114.91
    17 154.17 161.40 104.86 99.38
    18 167.61 211.39 126.39 132.30
    19 140.85 186.08 125.69 139.13
    20 150.70 177.22 130.56 139.75

    Table 6.  The growth increment (mean) of superior plant and clones compared with mother plants and seedling, respectively %

3.   讨论
  • 本研究通过测定印度黄檀母株株高和胸径,同时比较各母株的株高和胸径,选择约等于或大于株高和胸径平均值的130%的母株,作为优株。因此本研究共筛选出了20棵母株,作为繁殖无性系的优株。研究认为,优株的筛选,主要通过每个性状的比较,选择各个性状优良的母株[10-14],对于作为具有重要经济价值的用材树种印度黄檀而言,株高和胸径的大小能够表现出印度黄檀的优良性。因此,挑选出株高较高、胸径较大的母株,可以作为优株。



4.   结论
  • 本研究通过对4个种源的印度黄檀母株株高和胸径的测定,选择株高和胸径约等于或者大于平均值130%的母株作为优株,共筛选出20棵优株;然后通过嫁接成苗并移栽,测定2年生印度黄檀无性系,对20个无性系株高和胸径之间比较分析,同时进行生长增量分析,筛选出2个优良无性系,9和10号无性系,为进一步培育优良无性系新品种提供理论依据。

Reference (20)



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