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Volume 33 Issue 4
Aug.  2020
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Effect of Chlorine Fertilization on the Shoot Quality of Phyllostachys violascens

  • Corresponding author: GUO Zi-wu, hunt-panther@163.com
  • Received Date: 2019-09-23
    Accepted Date: 2019-12-04
  • Objective To study the effect of chlorine fertilization on the quality of Phyllostachys violascens shoots, and to contribute for the high-efficiency cultivation of high-quality bamboo shoots. Method High-yielding Ph. violascens plantation were selected, and the fertilization treatments with high (34%), medium (24%) and low (12%) chlorine content were set up to observe the influence of chlorine fertilization on sensory, nutritional and taste characters of shoots. Result The results showed that chlorine fertilization influenced the sensory character slightly, while affected the nutrient and taste greatly. With the increasing of chlorine content in fertilizer, the contents of protein, total amino acid and its component, lignin, cellulose, the proportion of bitter amino acids decreased gradually, while the contents of aromatic amino acids decreased in the beginning and then increased. The contents of fat, starch and proportion of essential, flavor and sweet amino acids increased. Furthermore, there were significant difference on contents of fat, protein, total amino acid and its component, the proportion of flavor and aromatic amino acids among the three treatments, and the content of cellulose under high fertilization treatment was smaller than that under medium and low fertilization treatments, while that of fat changed in opposite trends. With the increasing of chlorine content, the content of soluble sugar, ratio of sugar to acid and chlorine increased, while the contents of oxalic acid, tannin and total acid decreased, but there were significant difference on the contents of oxalic acid, tannin and total acid among the three fertilization treatments. Conclusion It is indicated that chlorine fertilization will influence the sensory character of shoot slightly, while the fibrous materials content decrease, and delicious and sweet components increase, especially under high fertilization treatment. Additional, further research should be conducted on the effect of high chlorine fertilization on soil properties, especially for the influence of chlorine accumulation on structure and function of soil microbial community.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Effect of Chlorine Fertilization on the Shoot Quality of Phyllostachys violascens

    Corresponding author: GUO Zi-wu, hunt-panther@163.com
  • 1. Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Hangzhou 311400, Zhejiang, China
  • 2. Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China

Abstract:  Objective To study the effect of chlorine fertilization on the quality of Phyllostachys violascens shoots, and to contribute for the high-efficiency cultivation of high-quality bamboo shoots. Method High-yielding Ph. violascens plantation were selected, and the fertilization treatments with high (34%), medium (24%) and low (12%) chlorine content were set up to observe the influence of chlorine fertilization on sensory, nutritional and taste characters of shoots. Result The results showed that chlorine fertilization influenced the sensory character slightly, while affected the nutrient and taste greatly. With the increasing of chlorine content in fertilizer, the contents of protein, total amino acid and its component, lignin, cellulose, the proportion of bitter amino acids decreased gradually, while the contents of aromatic amino acids decreased in the beginning and then increased. The contents of fat, starch and proportion of essential, flavor and sweet amino acids increased. Furthermore, there were significant difference on contents of fat, protein, total amino acid and its component, the proportion of flavor and aromatic amino acids among the three treatments, and the content of cellulose under high fertilization treatment was smaller than that under medium and low fertilization treatments, while that of fat changed in opposite trends. With the increasing of chlorine content, the content of soluble sugar, ratio of sugar to acid and chlorine increased, while the contents of oxalic acid, tannin and total acid decreased, but there were significant difference on the contents of oxalic acid, tannin and total acid among the three fertilization treatments. Conclusion It is indicated that chlorine fertilization will influence the sensory character of shoot slightly, while the fibrous materials content decrease, and delicious and sweet components increase, especially under high fertilization treatment. Additional, further research should be conducted on the effect of high chlorine fertilization on soil properties, especially for the influence of chlorine accumulation on structure and function of soil microbial community.

  • 合理施肥能增加作物产量,培肥地力,提高经济效益[1-2],在肥料中适量添加微量元素,既可提高作物产量,又能改善作物品质[3-5]。氯是植物必需的微量元素之一,需求量居植物必需的7种微量元素之首[6-7]。氯在植物体内主要以离子形态存在,参与植物碳同化、氮代谢、气孔调节等,维持植物正常的渗透压[8],当氯含量低于100 mg·kg−1时易产生缺氯症[9]。适量施用含氯肥料可增强植物水分吸收,促进作物生长发育[10],提高产量和改善品质[11-12]。不同植物对氯的响应特征和耐受能力差异较大,如小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)、水稻(Oryza sativa L.)等对氯耐受性较强,玉米(Zea mays L.)、柑桔(Citrus reticulata L.)等中等耐氯,而紫云英(Astragalus sinicus L.)、四季豆(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)等对氯耐受性较差[7],导致氯素施肥的增产提质效果差异较大。

    竹笋肉质细嫩,松脆爽口,营养价值高,历来为人们所喜爱,被视为山珍和优质林产品[13-14],也是我国传统大宗出口农林产品。施肥是笋用竹林稳产高产的重要经营措施,合理的施肥不仅可提高竹笋产量,还对竹笋品质有着重要的影响[15-17];然而,在笋用竹林土壤养分补充过程中,长期以来专注于N、P、K等大量元素,却忽视中微量元素的有效补充,导致大量养分元素的失衡,而中微量元素缺乏,对竹林产量与竹笋品质的提高产生负面影响。为此,本试验以雷竹(Phyllostachys violascens (Carr.) A. et C. Riv. 'Prevernalis')为研究对象,设置高氯、中氯、低氯处理的大田施肥试验,探讨氯素施肥对雷竹笋感观品质、营养品质、食味品质和适口性的影响,旨在为雷竹林高品质竹笋高效培育及合理施肥提供理论依据。

1.   材料与方法
  • 试验地位于浙江省杭州市余杭区径山镇长乐村(30°33′ N, 119°86′ E),属亚热带湿润季风气候,四季分明,年平均气温16.2℃,7月平均气温28.5℃,1月平均气温3.8℃,极端最高气温40.5℃,极端最低气温−11.6℃,年平均降水量1 509 mm,年平均日照时数1 528 h,年平均无霜期236 d,土壤为红壤。

  • 2018年4月选择立地条件和经营水平基本一致的雷竹丰产林3块,每块试验竹林面积不小于0.4 hm2。在每块试验竹林中各设立3个10 m×10 m的样方,样方间距离不小于5 m。经林分结构调查,试验雷竹林立竹密度为18 450±375株·hm−2,立竹平均胸径为38.19±2.08 mm,立竹年龄结构(1 a∶2 a∶3 a)为1.54∶1.46∶1。按丰产雷竹林培育施肥量,分别施用含氯12%(低氯)、24%(中氯)、34%(高氯)等量的复合肥(N∶P∶K=20∶8∶12),施肥量为2 250 kg·hm−2,分3次(5—6月、9—10月及笋前3月初)各1/3施肥量施入。

    2019年出笋期,在每个样方内随机挖取刚出土的完整竹笋各30株,测量笋个体质量(g)、基径(mm)和长度(cm),然后剥去笋壳,去除不可食的笋蔸,称质量,计算竹笋可食率。另各取竹笋样品约1 kg,置于冰盒带回试验室,剥去笋壳,用组织捣碎机匀浆,用于蛋白质、脂肪、可溶性糖、草酸、单宁、总酸和氨基酸等测定;并取部分样品在烘箱中60℃烘干,研磨过40目筛,用于纤维素、木质素含量测定。


  • 试验数据在Excel 2019统计软件中进行整理和图表制作,在SPSS 22.0统计软件中进行单因素方差分析和0.05水平LSD多重比较,分析不同氯素施肥处理的雷竹笋感官品质、营养品质和食味品质指标间的差异。

2.   结果与分析
  • 表1可知:随着施氯量的增加,雷竹笋个体质量、可食率呈先下降后升高的变化规律,个体质量和可食率变幅均不超过2.00%,各处理间差异不显著(P>0.05);随着施氯量的增加,雷竹笋基径呈下降趋势,而长度则呈升高趋势,基径、长度变幅均不足5%,各处理间均差异不显著(P>0.05)。说明氯素施肥对雷竹笋个体质量、长度、粗度等感观品质影响较小,氯素虽为重要的植物必需微量元素,但短期施用增产作用不大。

    Individual weight/(g·株−1)
    Basal diameter/mm
    Edible ratios/%
    高氯施肥 High chlorine130.34±10.46 a34.09±2.42 a24.53±1.65 a67.96±3.29 a
    中氯施肥 Medium chlorine129.76±9.27 a34.33±1.99 a23.60±2.77 a66.87±4.42 a
    低氯施肥 Low chlorine131.78±12.19 a35.24±2.63 a23.43±2.07 a67.27±4.68 a
      Note: Different letters within the same column mean significant difference between treatments (P<0.05). The same below.

    Table 1.  Appearance quality of Ph. violascens shoot under fertilization with different chlorine content

  • 随着施氯量的增加,雷竹笋蛋白质、木质素含量均呈下降趋势,纤维素含量呈先上升后下降的趋势(表2),且不同施氯量处理间雷竹笋蛋白质含量差异显著(P<0.05),而中氯、低氯施肥处理雷竹笋纤维素含量差异不显著(P>0.05),但均显著高于高氯施肥处理;不同施氯量处理雷竹笋木质素含量差异不显著(P>0.05);雷竹笋脂肪和淀粉含量随着施氯量的增加均呈升高趋势,且脂肪含量不同处理间差异显著,而中氯、低氯施肥处理雷竹笋淀粉含量差异不显著,但均显著低于高氯施肥处理(P<0.05)。可见,氯素施肥对雷竹笋营养品质有较明显的影响,增施氯素促进了雷竹碳基养分的积累,而对氮基养分积累有明显的抑制作用,高氯施肥雷竹笋的营养品质总体较好(表2)。

    处理 Treatments蛋白质 Protein脂肪 Fat淀粉 Starch纤维素 Cellulose木质素 Cellulose
    高氯施肥 High chlorine27.67±1.91 c29.13±1.46 a25.27±1.87 a33.86±2.83 b37.13±1.63 a
    中氯施肥 Medium chlorine30.17±1.45 b23.35±1.02 b23.09±1.18 b41.55±6.65 a37.22±5.05 a
    低氯施肥 Low chlorine33.40±1.32 a20.67±2.56 c22.87±0.68 b38.34±1.65 a38.12±5.44 a

    Table 2.  Nutrient quality of Ph. violascens shoot under fertilization with different chlorine content mg·g−1

  • 表3可知:随着施氯量的增加,雷竹笋可溶性糖、氯离子含量均呈升高趋势,且不同施氯量处理间雷竹笋可溶性糖含量差异显著(P<0.05),而氯离子含量差异不显著(P>0.05);雷竹笋单宁、草酸和总酸含量均呈下降趋势,不同施氯量处理间雷竹笋单宁含量差异显著(P<0.05),而草酸、总酸含量均差异不显著(P>0.05);雷竹笋可溶性糖含量显著升高,而总酸含量变幅较小,从而使糖酸比显著升高(P<0.05),雷竹笋甜味增加(表3)。因此,增施氯肥对雷竹笋酸涩呈味物质含量影响较大,竹笋涩味显著下降,酸味略有降低,而甜味则明显提高,竹笋口感明显改善。

    处理 Treatments可溶性糖 Soluble sugar单宁 Tannin草酸 Oxalic acid总酸 Total acid糖酸比 Ratio of sugar to acid氯离子 Chlorine
    高氯施肥 High chlorine12.43±0.23 a1.82±0.08 c0.12±0.03 a4.01±0.73 a3.17±0.11 a0.23±0.04 a
    中氯施肥 Medium chlorine10.81±0.82 b1.98±0.08 b0.13±0.01 a4.08±0.19 a2.64±0.13 b0.21±0.01 a
    低氯施肥 Low chlorine7.97±0.38 c2.51±0.11 a0.14±0.01 a4.19±0.21 a1.91±0.16 c0.20±0.03 a

    Table 3.  Nutrient quality of Ph. violascens shoot under fertilization with different chlorine content mg·g−1

  • 随着施氯量的增加,雷竹笋人体必需、苦味、鲜味、甜味、芳香类氨基酸及总氨基酸含量均呈下降趋势(表4),且不同施氯量处理间雷竹笋人体必需、苦味、鲜味、甜味氨基酸及总氨基酸含量差异显著(P<0.05), 而芳香类氨基酸含量为低氯施肥处理显著高于中氯、高氯施肥处理(P<0.05),但后二者间差异不显著(P>0.05)(表4);雷竹笋人体必需、鲜味、甜味氨基酸比例均呈增加趋势,而苦味氨基酸比例总体上呈下降趋势,但不同施氯量处理的雷竹笋人体必需、甜味、苦味氨基酸比例差异并不显著(P>0.05),而鲜味氨基酸比例不同施氯量处理间差异显著(P<0.05);雷竹笋芳香类氨基酸比例则呈先下降后升高趋势,且各施氯量处理间差异显著(P<0.05)(表5)。可见,增施氯肥虽未增加雷竹笋各种氨基酸的含量,但会引起竹笋鲜味、芳香类氨基酸比例的显著升高,甜味、苦味氨基酸比例小幅上升或略有下降,总体上促进了雷竹笋风味和适口性的改善。

    处理 Treatments人体必需氨基酸
    Essential amino
    Bitter amino
    Delicious amino
    Sweet amino
    Aromatic amino
    Total amino
    高氯施肥 High chlorine3.24±0.19 c2.94±0.17 c0.59±0.04 c1.31±0.16 c1.98±0.05 b6.38±0.41 c
    中氯施肥 Medium chlorine4.27±0.18 b3.78±0.18 b0.75±0.05 b1.73±0.21 b2.06±0.10 b8.51±0.25 b
    低氯施肥 Low chlorine5.15±0.14 a5.20±0.13 a0.83±0.07 a2.07±0.13 a2.94±0.21 a10.44±0.72 a

    Table 4.  Amino acid content of Ph. violascens shoot under fertilization with different chlorine content mg·g−1

    Essential amino
    Bitter amino
    Delicious amino
    Sweet amino
    Aromatic amino
    高氯施肥 High chlorine50.78 ±3.08 a46.08 ±2.89 a9.37 ±0.21 a20.53 ±1.19 a31.03 ±7.94 a
    中氯施肥 Medium chlorine50.70±2.50 a44.41±3.56 a8.81 ±0.34 b20.32 ±2.05 a24.42 ±4.84 c
    低氯施肥 Low chlorine49.32±3.46 a49.80 ±2.53 a7.95 ±0.29 c19.83 ±1.63 a28.17±1.06 b
      Note: The ratio of the amino acid component ratio in the table is the ratio of each amino acid to the total amino acid.

    Table 5.  Amino acid proportion of Ph. violascens shoot under fertilization with different chlorine content %

3.   讨论
  • 氯是植物需求量最大的必需微量营养元素[7],适量施用含氯肥料有利于植物水分吸收和养分利用,促进作物生长发育,提高作物的产量和品质[26-27]。本研究中,随着施氯量的增加,雷竹笋感观品质虽有所改变,如基径总体下降,长度总体增大,可食率和个体单质量均先下降后升高,但各感官品质指标变化幅度均较小(不足5.00%),差异未达显著水平,说明短期增施氯肥对雷竹笋的增产效果并不明显,这与前人对番茄(Solanum lycopersicum Mill.)、莴笋(Lactuca sativa L.)和苹果(Malus domestica Mill.)的研究结果基本一致[10, 28-29],而与甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum L.)和水稻的研究结果不同[30],其原因可能与竹子特殊的克隆生长特性有关,即竹笋的快速生长更多是依赖于大量营养元素(如氮、磷、钾),而微量元素氯虽是竹子必需的营养元素,但需求量较少,短期施用增产效果并不明显。

    竹笋的营养品质、风味等主要取决于竹子的遗传特征,同时也受栽培措施、环境条件与人工干扰等的影响[31-33],不同竹种竹笋营养品质、风味差异较大[34-35]。本研究结果表明,增施氯肥后,雷竹笋蛋白质、氨基酸总量及其组分含量均显著下降,说明增施氯肥可能不利于雷竹笋氮素营养的积累,这与烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)的研究结果基本一致[11-12],其原因可能是氯含量的升高抑制竹子体内硝酸还原酶活性,导致竹子对NO3-N吸收下降。且随着氯素施肥量的升高,雷竹笋甜味、鲜味及芳香类氨基酸比例总体上升高,而苦味氨基酸比例下降,即增施氯肥改变了竹笋氨基酸组成的比例,增加了竹笋鲜味、香味。增施氯肥后,雷竹笋脂肪、淀粉含量也显著升高,进一步改善竹笋风味品质,加之木质素和纤维素等纤维类物质含量下降,特别是纤维素含量显著降低,竹笋适口性明显改善。


4.   结论
  • 本研究结果表明,增施氯肥后雷竹笋感观品质虽有变化,但各处理间差异不显著,因此,氯素施肥对雷竹笋感观品质影响较小,未体现出明显的增产效应,但对竹笋营养品质、食味品质有较明显的影响。高氯施肥竹笋鲜味、甜味、香味氨基酸比例升高,草酸、单宁及总酸含量明显下降,可溶性糖含量及糖酸比显著升高,纤维类物质含量降低,竹笋适口性明显改善。然而,高氯施肥特别是长期施用高氯肥料,势必引起土壤中氯离子的累积,因此,笋用竹林高氯施肥后土壤中氯离子残留特征及其环境学效应仍需进一步研究,尤其是长期施用高氯肥料对土壤理化性质(酸碱性、养分平衡与供应能力)、土壤微生物学过程与酶学特征的影响应为下一步研究的重点。

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