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Volume 35 Issue 6
Nov.  2022
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Analysis of Moth Diversity in Oak Forests, Quercus variabilis and Q. mongolica in Northern China

  • Corresponding author: WANG Hong-bin, wanghb@caf.ac.cn
  • Received Date: 2021-12-06
    Accepted Date: 2022-03-25
  • Objective To provide the basis for monitoring and controlling moth pests in oak forests, the structure and diversity of moth communities were investigated in two main natural oak forest ecosystems, Quercus variabilis, and Q. mongolica, in northern China for revealing the potential changes caused by temporal and habitat. Methods The composition and diversity of moths in temporal and spatial differences were compared through collecting the specimen of moth using light trap during summer from June to September 2019 in three typical plots, including Q. variabilis forest in Jiulong Mountain, Mentougou District, Beijing; Q. mongolica forest in Luanping County, Hebei and in Keshiketeng, Inner Mongolia. Result A total of 293 moth species in 21 families were obtained from the plots. The largest number of moths and the most species were concentrated in Noctuidae and Geometridae. However, the species composition of the community differed significantly in terms of space and time. The moth species composition and structural similarity in the Q. mongolica forest in Hebei were more similar with the Q. variabilis in Beijing than those in Q. mongolica forest in Inner Mongolia. In addition, the emergence period of adult moths exhibited obvious temporal changes, and the greatest number of species and individuals were found in July at each plot. Diversity results showed that the Marglef richness index, Shannon diversity index, and Pielou evenness index of moths in Beijing and Inner Mongolia plots were higher than those in Hebei plot, and the community performance was stable. Among them, the Marglef richness index showed obvious differences in the diversity characteristics of family, genus, and species, while the changes of other indexes were consistent. Conclusion The composition and diversity of moth communities in oak forests show obvious spatio-temporal heterogeneity. Environmental factors can significantly affect moth biodiversity indicators. Richness indicator differences at various taxonomic levels can be used for distinguishing the geographical distribution and degree of certain taxa.
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Analysis of Moth Diversity in Oak Forests, Quercus variabilis and Q. mongolica in Northern China

    Corresponding author: WANG Hong-bin, wanghb@caf.ac.cn
  • 1. Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Key Laboratory of Forest Protection, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Beijing 100091
  • 2. Dajuzi Forest Farm, Keshiketen County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous, Chifeng 025350, Inner Mongolia
  • 3. Lahailing Forest Farm, Luanping County, Chengde 068250, Hebei

Abstract:  Objective To provide the basis for monitoring and controlling moth pests in oak forests, the structure and diversity of moth communities were investigated in two main natural oak forest ecosystems, Quercus variabilis, and Q. mongolica, in northern China for revealing the potential changes caused by temporal and habitat. Methods The composition and diversity of moths in temporal and spatial differences were compared through collecting the specimen of moth using light trap during summer from June to September 2019 in three typical plots, including Q. variabilis forest in Jiulong Mountain, Mentougou District, Beijing; Q. mongolica forest in Luanping County, Hebei and in Keshiketeng, Inner Mongolia. Result A total of 293 moth species in 21 families were obtained from the plots. The largest number of moths and the most species were concentrated in Noctuidae and Geometridae. However, the species composition of the community differed significantly in terms of space and time. The moth species composition and structural similarity in the Q. mongolica forest in Hebei were more similar with the Q. variabilis in Beijing than those in Q. mongolica forest in Inner Mongolia. In addition, the emergence period of adult moths exhibited obvious temporal changes, and the greatest number of species and individuals were found in July at each plot. Diversity results showed that the Marglef richness index, Shannon diversity index, and Pielou evenness index of moths in Beijing and Inner Mongolia plots were higher than those in Hebei plot, and the community performance was stable. Among them, the Marglef richness index showed obvious differences in the diversity characteristics of family, genus, and species, while the changes of other indexes were consistent. Conclusion The composition and diversity of moth communities in oak forests show obvious spatio-temporal heterogeneity. Environmental factors can significantly affect moth biodiversity indicators. Richness indicator differences at various taxonomic levels can be used for distinguishing the geographical distribution and degree of certain taxa.

  • 栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis BI.)和蒙古栎(Q. mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb.)属壳斗科栎属植物,是中国北方温带落叶阔叶林的主要建群树种,其形成的相应生境也成为分布区域内昆虫多样性的保藏、繁衍与发展的主要场所[1-3]。以往我国在栎林昆虫方面的研究主要集中于重要害虫,如栓皮栎波尺蛾(Larerannis filipjevi Wehrli)、栎空腔瘿蜂(Trichagalma acutissimae Monzen)、栎粉舟蛾(Fentonia ocypete Bremer)、栗山天牛(Massicus raddei Blessiq)等生物学和防治技术等研究[4-9];以及不同区域害虫种类调查[10-12];但关于栎林生态系统内昆虫群落整体组成、多样性格局及变化规律研究极少,对生物灾害形成与制约的重要机制—生物多样性维系缺乏了解与认知,影响了整体生态系统的健康管理。

    昆虫群落构成及多样性是森林生态系统结构与稳定性的重要表征,也是害虫种群发生与制约的重要条件,其变化受到多种因素的共同影响。白栎(Q. alba L.)年龄变化与昆虫多样性关系研究发现,白栎中植食性昆虫的丰富度、均匀度和群落结构受其森林年龄、森林结构、植物种类相对丰度和非生物条件的影响[13];在评估不同的栎属植物生境对直翅目昆虫群落多样性的影响时,发现其生境内植被的高度均匀性使其昆虫群落结构相似,多样性差异小[14];而栎属植物的遗传多样性明显使其生境内的昆虫多样性增加[15]。群落多样性不仅受寄主的影响,还受到环境中的其他生物因子和非生物因子影响。一种麦蛾科Pseudotelphusa sp.幼虫使白栎叶片黏连形成的遮蔽空间,增加了同样在白栎叶片上取食的其它昆虫多样性[16];栎属植物上的植食性昆虫类群与气候的潜在关系研究表明,与气候(温度、降水量)相比,昆虫群落与栎属植物物种相关性更强,气候因子的影响不显著[17]



    • 选取了3个不同栎林生境类型的样地,分别位于北京市西郊门头沟区九龙山自然保护区森林保护站的栓皮栎林A (115°59′ E, 39°54′ N)、河北省滦平县拉海岭林场的蒙古栎林B (117°29′ E, 40°85′ N)和内蒙古赤峰市克什克腾旗大局子林场的蒙古栎林C (113°37′ E, 42°40′ N)。可分别满足华北平原到内蒙高原山地过渡边缘区不同类型栎林比较(A栓皮栎林、B蒙古栎林),及处于不同生态交错区相同类型栎林比较(B平原山地交错区蒙古栎林、C林草交错区蒙古栎林)。

      北京市西郊门头沟区九龙山自然保护区属典型暖温带石质山地次生落叶阔叶林生态系统的自然保护区(A),属太行山低山丘陵区,海拔在100 ~ 997 m之间;林间植被较稀疏且以阔叶林为主,少量针叶林分布,其中栓皮栎林大部分为幼龄林;该地气候条件为暖温带半湿润季风气候[24]。河北省滦平县拉海岭林场(B),属高原与山地的过渡带,海拔在396 ~ 1 132 m之间,地形地貌主要为中低山地。生境中主要植被类型有油松人工林、蒙古栎天然次生林、槲树天然次生林、侧柏天然次生林等[25],林间植被组成类型复杂多样,其中蒙古栎林的林龄以近熟林分布较广。内蒙古赤峰市克什克腾旗大局子林场(C),属内蒙古高原与大兴安岭南段山的林草交汇地带。海拔高度1 200 ~ 1 700 m,属半干旱大陆性季风气候。复杂的地貌类型,多样的生物气候条件,有着良好的生物多样性[26]。树种资源异常丰富,天然生长着几十种乔木,阔叶林和针叶林分布较广,其中蒙古栎林以近熟林为主。

    • 2019年6—9月分别在3样地灯诱采集蛾类标本。诱捕点均设在距林缘0.05 km以上林内空旷地。采用500 W的高压汞灯(欧司朗GYZ250自镇流汞灯)和40 W黑光灯(GOLDVISS GS-803B)组成协同诱虫灯源。采集间隔时间为20 d。开灯时间20:00—24:00。内蒙古蒙古栎林样地8月设置了20:00—次日5:00开灯诱集试验。采集标本经制作后,以形态特征进行种类鉴定和统计[27-30]。标本均保存在中国林业科学研究院生物标本馆。

    • 利用Excel对蛾类物种数及个体数分别进行数据统计并汇总,利用EstimateS[31]评估抽样数据。






      其中S为物种数,$ {N}_{i} $为样地第i个物种的个体数;N为样地内所有物种的个体数;$ {P}_{i} $为第i种个体数占总个体数N的比例,即$ {{P}}_{{i}}={{N}}_{{i}}{/}{N} $



    • 由于时序、地理、空间变化等众多因素影响生物多样性,在分析比较时选取在一致截面下进行。对不同生境蛾类群落组成差异和相似性分析,分别选取3样地所有调查时段的数据累计结果比较;对不同时间尺度变化的蛾类群落组成差异比较:选取同一生境不同时段的数据进行比较。

    2.   结果与分析
    • 研究共采集蛾类2 521只,隶属21科293种(表1)。从科水平来看,夜蛾科和尺蛾科物种数及个体数明显多于其他科,占绝对优势,均为常见类群;而部分科的蛾类种类较少,为各地区的稀有类群,虎蛾科、网蛾科和鹿蛾科均仅在样地A中出现,且均为1种;凤蛾科和蚕蛾科仅在样地B栎中出现;羽蛾科和巢蛾科仅在样地C中出现。卷蛾科、枯叶蛾科、钩蛾科、凤蛾科、羽蛾科、蚕蛾科和巢蛾科在样地A中未见;虎蛾科、网蛾科、鹿蛾科、羽蛾科和巢蛾科在样地B中未见;刺蛾科、木蠹蛾科和大蚕蛾科在样地C中未见。

      科 FamilyABC
      夜蛾科 Noctuidae 19 22 56 10 12 32 44 52 365
      尺蛾科 Geometridae 13 13 40 17 19 50 42 49 226
      螟蛾科 Pyralididae 16 19 41 2 2 6 16 19 70
      舟蛾科 Notodontidae 7 8 17 12 14 964 8 8 21
      天蛾科 Sphingidae 12 13 37 9 10 36 5 6 16
      灯蛾科 Arctiidae 6 7 14 3 3 7 3 4 235
      毒蛾科 Lymantriidae 2 3 11 5 6 10 4 6 15
      卷蛾科 Tortricidae 1 1 1 8 8 19
      刺蛾科 Limacodidae 5 6 23 2 3 3
      枯叶蛾科 Lasiocampidae 1 1 1 4 5 123
      波纹蛾科 Thyatiridae 1 2 14 1 2 4 1 2 7
      大蚕蛾科 Saturniidae 2 2 3 1 1 1
      钩蛾科 Drepanidae 1 1 1 1 1 8
      木蠹蛾科 Cossidae 1 1 1 1 2 3
      虎蛾科 Agaristidae 1 1 2
      鹿蛾科 Ctenuchidae 1 1 29
      凤蛾科 Epicopeiidae 1 1 1
      羽蛾科 Pterophoridae 1 1 2
      网蛾科 Thyrididae 1 1 2
      蚕蛾科 Bombycidae 1 1 1
      巢蛾科 Yponomeutidae 1 1 3
      总计 Total 87 99 290 68 79 1 121 138 162 1 110
        Note: G: Genus number; S: Species number; N: Individual number; - no found

      Table 1.  Comparison of moth community composition in three plots

      北京栓皮栎林采集鉴定14科87属99种,河北蒙古栎林16科68属79种,内蒙古蒙古栎林13科138属162种,不同样地共有种数量差异(表2):AB(24种)>BC(20种)>AC(10种)>ABC(4种),4个共有种分别是榆绿天蛾(Callambulyx tatarinovi Bremeret & Grey)、角顶尺蛾(Phthonandria emaria Bremer)、宽胫夜蛾(Protoschinia scutosa Schiffermüller)和尖锥额野螟(Loxostege verticalis Linnaeus)。

      样地 PlotABC
      B0.155 820
      C0.040 00.090 9

      Table 2.  The number of common moth species in three plots (on the diagonal line) and similarity coefficient (under the diagonal line)

      群落相似性分析结果表明(表2),3种生境的相似性系数均小于0.25,各生境间蛾类组成处于极不相似水平;北京栓皮栎林和河北蒙古栎林生境类型相似性相对较高,为0.155 8;北京栓皮栎林和内蒙古蒙古栎林的生境类型之间相似度最低,为0.04。

    • 北京栓皮栎林样地内的蛾类成虫各科的物种数量及个体数随月份变化如图1所示,6月采集鉴定7科21种;7月份10科68种;8月份共采集11科29种。蛾类昆虫群落结构组成特征在不同月份中存在差异,物种数及个体数量均在7月份达到最大。

      Figure 1.  Monthly variation of species and individual numbers in moth Families in plot A

    • C样地按小时从8:00到次日凌晨5:00连续灯诱,诱集个体数量变化见图2,显示蛾类夜间不同时间段均可趋光飞行,但0:00—2:00间达到数量高峰。以小时计算的物种采集累积饱和曲线(图3)也表明,2:00以后的曲线趋向饱和,能够采集到新物种的几率降低。

      Figure 2.  Hourly variation of individual numbers collected in plot C

      Figure 3.  Cumulative curve of moth species in plot C

    • 3个栎林生境内蛾类群落多样性特征分析结果表明,北京栓皮栎林和内蒙古蒙古栎林生境内的蛾类群落多样性指数均高于河北蒙古栎林生境。基于不同分类阶元的多样性分析结果表明(图4),无论在科级还是属种级水平,栓皮栎林的多样性指数和均匀度指数均高于蒙古栎林。3样地科级的Shannon多样性指数H、Simpson优势度指数D、Pielou均匀度指数J均与属、种各指数变化的一致,但Marglef丰富度指数R则显示出明显差异。在属种分析中表现最高的内蒙古蒙古栎林样地在科级丰富度指数却表现为最低,表明该区域种类较为集中在某些科。

      Figure 4.  Diversity index of moths in different taxonomic order in Q. variabilis and Q. mongolica forest

    3.   讨论
    • 本研究对3个典型北方栎林样地内的蛾类昆虫进行了系统性调查,共获得21科293种2521头标本。3种生境中,以内蒙古蒙古栎林内的蛾类种数和个体数最高,河北蒙古栎林中最少,且蛾类类群以夜蛾科和尺蛾科为主。





    4.   结论
    • 通过3个样地蛾类群落种类组成与生物多样性指数差异比较分析,栎林蛾类昆虫群落组成与多样性呈现明显的时间和空间异质性格局,环境因素直接影响蛾类生物多样性,不同阶元丰富度指标可判别类群地理分布与分化程度。



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