• 中国中文核心期刊
  • 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)核心库来源期刊
  • 中国科技论文统计源期刊(CJCR)
  • 第二届国家期刊奖提名奖


Review on the Systemic Taxonomy of Genus Botryosphae ria

  • Received Date: 2006-05-08
  • The paper reviewed the taxonomic status of genusB otryosphaeria, surveyed the most important anamorphicgenera nameswhich associated with genusB otryosphaeria, itwas found that the D iplodia spp. and Fusicoccum spp.were the anamorphic fungi and D ichom era were the synanamorphic fungi of Fusicoccum. The phylogenetic relationship among some fungi, such as B. dothidea, B. ribis, B. berengeriana, B. parva, B. lutea, and other comp lexfungi was also introduced. This paper also listed more than 20 new anamorphic and telemorphic specieswhich reported in recently years. Some available taxonomic methods used in B otryosphaeria phylogenic analysis were reported.Finally, by comparing the fungal study status in China and in the world, the aims and highlights of B otryosphaeriataxonomy were indicated.
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Review on the Systemic Taxonomy of Genus Botryosphae ria

  • 1. Research Institute of Forestry Ecology, Environment and Protection, CAF

Abstract: The paper reviewed the taxonomic status of genusB otryosphaeria, surveyed the most important anamorphicgenera nameswhich associated with genusB otryosphaeria, itwas found that the D iplodia spp. and Fusicoccum spp.were the anamorphic fungi and D ichom era were the synanamorphic fungi of Fusicoccum. The phylogenetic relationship among some fungi, such as B. dothidea, B. ribis, B. berengeriana, B. parva, B. lutea, and other comp lexfungi was also introduced. This paper also listed more than 20 new anamorphic and telemorphic specieswhich reported in recently years. Some available taxonomic methods used in B otryosphaeria phylogenic analysis were reported.Finally, by comparing the fungal study status in China and in the world, the aims and highlights of B otryosphaeriataxonomy were indicated.

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